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As of todays date Nov 6th 2001 I have not got a true answer from Bob .I do get a smile from him when the subject of marriage comes up. I know that someday we will be as one....I don't know what day but one day.....

Im also told by Bob it all depends on how the Gamecocks do this year. If the Gamecocks make it to a bowl game and we win, then we will go to Vegas and get Married. So Gamecocks My future is all in your hands! Just Like The Football

Feb 19,2002 While on a Romantic weekend trip this past weekend it was brought to my attention by Bob that he was a little upset that I had put on this page that we would be getting married if the Gamecocks went to a Bowl Game. Well that part was half true.....But it was if the Gamecocks Went to the Rose Bowl. They did go to a Bowl Game it was just the Wrong one..No Rose Bowl, And Im still just a girlfriend. Bob did ask me to change this because he did not want everyone to think he was not pulling his end of the deal. It was my MISTAKE!



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