My Son Daniel~
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Mommy Loves You

July 30 1990, I was Blessed
With A third child Daniel.
After being 10 days late I
Was ready for him to get here.

He is now 12 years old and is
all boy. Daniel enjoys things
like basketball,football,and playing
his PS2.

He has Found a new love and
that is drawing. He will spend
hours at a time at the table
drawing his favorite subject horses.

He often tells me that when
he grows up he wants to be a cop.
I keep telling him just to follow
his dreams For dreams do come true.

Daniel can also be a very helpful
child when he wants to.He often
Helps his grandfather, and grandmother
with yard work and whatever else there
is to be done.

Just don't say clean your room because
he seems to never hear you!
I have added some of Daniels Drawings
to this page. Who Knows one day he may
become famous with them.....
Daniel Mommy Loves You!
Mom Loves You Daniel

Loved By Mom

Mom Loves You Daniel

Love You Son



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