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       On February 8th, 2001 at 12:15 PM My beautiful granddaughter Hailie Grace was born. I remember that day like it was yesterday. As soon as she came into this world I started to cry tears of joy, Thanking God above for giving my daughter Mary A healthy BUNDLE OF JOY! I was also laughing at what I had put my daughter through the night before when she did go in labor, as we were counting the contractions that were 5 minutes apart I told her we could not go anywhere until after the show I was watching Temptation Island went off. Well, the show went off and off to the hospital we went, But....I had to make a stop first at my favorite shopping center Walmart for film, Boy did she gave me some dirty looks as I made her walk the store with me and begging for me to go get a computer chair they had on display and roll her around. Well as you can tell 16 hours later Hailie made her first appearance into this world, and has been a blessing for us all. She is a very happy baby and it tickles me to death to watch her grow. As she gets older I will post more pictures of her so you may watch her grow also.Grandma Loves You Hailie!

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"Apple of my eye"

from the art of Detha Watson
"The Secret"

Art by Detha WatsonBackground sets by Designgmoments