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Kendle is my last born. He was also
born on July 30th but two years
later in 1992, and instead of
being 10 days late like Daniel
he was 10 days early.

I'm often asked how did I do
this and I often reply... NOT ON
PURPOSE. As Kendle and Daniel got
older birthdays got harder, they have
never wanted the same theme for a
birthday party

Kendle has a nickname that he can
not stand and that nickname is "RED"
Why "RED" you may ask..well out of
four children he has red hair and not
blonde like the rest.

Kendle also enjoys things like
football,basketball,he also bringing me all
Kinds of animals from the woods that
he would like to keep as pets.

I have had baby ducks in the tub for a
couple of days. He has brought turtles home
to put in the fish tanks. He has also tried to
hatch a few eggs not knowing what kind of eggs
They were. At times I would go to fix a ham sandwich
and there was no ham.....craw dads love ham......
I keep asking him to try a hot dog, but he says craw
dads only like ham...



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"Painting is ŠTom Sierak and used with his permission by Moon And Back Graphics to construct this set"
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