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On May 10th 1984 I was blessed with a beautiful daughter Mary Grace, she is my second born and only girl out of four children. She is Now a junior at Fort Dorchester High School in Charleston South Carolina. I am very proud of her she is making all A's and B's in all subjects that she has taken this year. She enjoys Dance, Photography, and just being with her friends. I hope someday she will attend school at University of South Carolina , but this is something we as parents can only wish for and not push on a child. She has three brothers who always picked on her as she grew up, OOPS.... I forgot they ALL still pick on her, but she is always quick to let them know that being the only girl she is pretty well spoiled!
Mary and I have had our ups and downs and I have cried many tears over Mary but in the long run Mary knows Mom knows best even when we are not seeing eye to eye. We are best of friends and she knows that anytime she needs to talk my ears are open, and anytime she needs a shoulder to cry on my shoulder is always there for her. Mom Loves You mary!

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