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I've searched for you,near and far.
The softest touch tells me you care!
In our hands our future is held.
Sharing secrets with you I have never told.
A day without you, I truly miss.
For I never knew true love would be like this.
Making you happy, planting our seed.
Nuturing it daily is always a pleasure never a deed.
Watching our love grow each day.
I love you with all my heart!
One final wish, we will never say goodbye.
Let's make what we have last till the day we die.
Now with you by my side, it will be...forever you!!!.
So Bob take my hand and my love,
With honor and respect and on my knees,
I will ask,
"Will You Marry Me"
I need a GroomLooking For My Groom




Bob and Me (bottom) Rhonda and Eddie (Middle) and Will (Top) at Carolina vs Clemson Football Game 2001!

Carolina 20 - Clemson 15 Game 2001!


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