Monday Evening
December 19, 1938
Page 11
LOGAN, Dec. 19 (AP).—State police sought a motive today for a nocturnal Hart's creek shooting in which 25-year-old Arthur Tomblin met death in a neighbor's tworoom home. State Police Sergeant W. E. De- Moss said the householder, General Bryant, 45, would be arraigned on a charge of murder. Bryant's 12-year-old son, Don, the officer said, told him Tomblin, with Mason Conley, entered the dwelling and pointed a shotgun at Bryant in bed. Bryant pushed the gun aside, De- Moss said the boy told him, and fired a pistol he kept beneath his pillow. The officer quoted Bryant as saying the two men had entered thet house to kill him. Conley, De- Moss said, maintained the visit was made to get Bryant to go fox hunting. |
Mason Conley was the son of Charlie (Gue) and Nancy Ann Pridemore Conley