Charleston Daily MailWEDNESDAY E V E N I N G , N O V E M B E R , 15, 1936
Logan—State troopers c h a r g e d Herbert Conley with killing Pat Hensley, 79. his great-uncle. The troopers said that Henslev attempted to intercede in a quarrel between Conley and Tom Hensley and was struck on the head with a piece of wood.
Charleston Daily MailWEDNESDAY EVENING , J A N U A R Y 6, 1937
Funeral services for Mrs America Hensley, 80 years old, were held Monday afternoon at Verdunville She was the wife of Pat Hensley who was killed the night of November 14 Pat Hensley was slain when he intervened in a fight between his son, Tom Hensley, and Herbert Conley. Conley is held on charges of murder