Wanting  Amber !!



I was lying in bed thinking about Amber. It has been two weeks since we made love...right here in my bed. The morning after we had sex, Amber's Mom dragged her to their aunts house in Kansas. They had of some sort of family emergency. Her Mom might as well have taken her to the planet Mars! Since she has been gone, my sex drive has gone wild. Every night since she's been gone, I lay in bed trying desperately to control my sexual urges so that I can get some sleep. But, like tonight, it seldom works. I rolled over to my belly and buried my head in my pillow. All I could think about was how wonderful if felt when Amber first kissed me full on my lips. Her kisses were the softest, most gentlest kisses, that I have ever felt. But I really don't have much experience to draw from. The nerds in my high school would rather play video games with themselves than go out on a date with a girl. Before Amber, I had sex once. It was the night of my Junior Prom. 

The bastard filled his condom before he was halfway inside of me. He didn't even give me a chance to get excited before it was all over. My next lover was Amber. She is the only person that has ever brought me to orgasm with her tongue. I thought about how it felt when she sucked my clitoris into her hot mouth. I thought about how she kept sucking my clitoris until I burst into orgasm. I rolled to my back. As I did, I thought about how erotic it was to have Amber laying on top of me. I remembered how she was grinding her pussy against me as we kissed. I remembered feeling her wetness soaking through her panties and onto my thigh as she masturbated herself against me. I rolled back onto my belly as I thought about seeing her dripping pussy above me. I thought about what she smelled like as I sucked her clitoris into my mouth. I remembered the very taste of her sex as I sucked her clitoris until she burst into orgasm. I was driving myself insane. 

I had to do something before I went mad. There was no way that I was going to get any sleep tonight, unless I somehow started controlling my thoughts about Amber. I got up to pee. As I sat down on the seat, I saw that the crotch of my panties were soaked with my lust for Amber. I could smell my arousal. I groaned as the sensation of peeing caused an erotic current to course through me. As I got back into bed, I pulled off my t-shirt. Now I was lying on my belly wearing only my wet panties. Just knowing that my panties were wet with my sex, excited me. My Mom's bedroom is next to my bedroom. I could hear her getting ready for bed. The walls are really thin and I'm always careful not to make much noise. She goes to work early and she is a light sleeper. If I don't settle down, she'll hear me and might come in here to see if I'm okay. That, I do not need! Not tonight. I tried again to go to sleep...but all I could think about was Amber. 

I remembered how she sucked my ear into her mouth. And how she kissed her way up and down my neck. By now, my clitoris was screaming for attention. I had to do something! So I took my pillow and stuffed it between my legs. My hips began to slowly move up and down on the pillow. Feeling how wet my panties were, I sat up and looked at the pillow. Sure enough, it was wet from me. "Great." I thought. "Now I'll have to find another pillow to sleep with." I peeled off my panties. Now I was naked. I turned on a small bedside lamp and sat on the edge of the bed. I felt totally sexual as I looked down at myself. I could smell the musky scent of my sex. I looked at my small breast. They were firm and seemed bigger tonight. My nipples were long and erect. I used the fingertips of both hands to pinch them. I rolled my nipples around with my fingers. I love the erotic feeling of touching myself. I looked down at myself. I could see that my soft brown pubic hairs were soaked with sweat and sexual arousal. The insides of my thighs were also wet from the hot lust-oil that was seeping out from my vagina. My labia looked pink and swollen. I did not realize how long my pussy lips were. 

They were actually hanging down from between my legs. I pulled back my clitoris hood and looked at my erect clitoris. It looked big! And it was hard. I touched it with my fingertip. A bolt of erotic lightning shot through me as I pinched my clit. I could feel the hard shaft of my clitoris under its hood. I let my fingers glide up and down my clitoris hood. I took two fingers of my right hand and slipped them deep into my vagina. I squeezed my fingers with my vagina muscles. I guess those peeing exercises really works. When I pulled my fingers out of my vagina, they were covered with wetness. I held them to my nose and sniff. They did not smell like pee, they smelled like sex...my sex...my womanhood. For some reason, that thought made me smile. At eighteen, I was still to young to hangout at the local bar, but I definitely felt like a woman tonight. I sunk my fingers deep into my vagina again. I slowly pulled them out and started spreading the wetness all over my pussy. Unable to control myself, I started grinding the heel of my hand against my clitoris. It felt wonderful. My hips started moving in rhythm with my hand. I let my legs fall apart. I watched my hand as it started going faster against my clitoris. I could hear the wet sounds of my pussy lips opening and closing as my hand continued going up and down against my sex. 

This is insane! I thought. I got up and walked over to the window. As I stood there looking outside, I could actually feel my wet lust dripping out of my vagina and running down the inside of my thighs. I squeezed my muscular thighs together. When I did, I felt this erotic heat wave spread through me. My nipples became even more erect. I opened my legs and looked down at myself. I saw that the insides of my thighs were coated with new wetness. "Do other girls get this wet when they're aroused?" I wondered. I remember that Amber almost drowned me when she came. I reached between my legs and rubbed the hot oil over my pussy. My fingers parted my sex lips and slipped inside my vagina. I could hear the wet sounds my fingers made as I stood at my window and actually began finger fucking myself. My hand instantly became dripping wet from the hot oil that seep out from deep inside me. I had to stop! I was going sex crazy! I laid back down on my bed. I was on my back breathing heavily. I needed to masturbate. I had to masturbate! I needed to stop playing with myself and get serious. 

The last time I tried to masturbate, I got board and fell asleep. Once, I did bring myself to a weak orgasm. But I decided that it was to embarrassing and too much work. But I have never felt the way I felt now. And I have never in my life, been as wet as I was now. My pussy felt like Niagara Falls. I rolled over onto my belly and stuffed my pillow between my legs. It was already wet and smelling like sex from before. My hips automatically started humping my pillow. Then I had a thought. I sat up and rolled my pillow into tight ball. I held it in place as I laid back down on it. Now, I had something to grind my raging clitoris against. I got my clitoris right on the edge of the pillow and started grinding myself against it. It felt wonderful! I could feel erotic waves of pleasure coursing through me as I got a good rhythm going. Up and down my hips went. I could feel my ass cheeks spread apart on the up stroke. I squeezed the pillow with my thighs as sexual currents roared through me. I thought I was going into orgasm, but I didn't. 

The pillow was moving around too much. So I reach down and held it in place. Now I was humping it harder. I knew that I would come if I kept this up. All I could think about was Amber. The way her breast felt against mine. The way her clitoris felt against my tongue as I sucked her to orgasm. I was covered with sweat. My armpits felt slick with sweat. I had to wipe the sweat from my eyes. I was fucking my pillow harder and harder as thoughts of Amber raced through my mind. I could hear my old wooden bed squeaking in protest as I began to go wild. I sat up and held the pillow in place as I rode it like a horse. I had to keep adjusting myself so that my clitoris stayed on the hard edge of the pillow. The headboard of my bed began tapping against the wall as I approach orgasm. I thought the noise might wake my Mom, but I could not stop...I needed to come...I had to come! I was so close. I was right on the verge of orgasm. I held the pillow with my right hand and began pinching my erect nipples with my left hand. I was moaning softly. I could not stop myself from moaning. I put my right hand between my pussy and the pillow. 

I started pinching and pulling my large clitoris. I was going mad with the need to orgasm. I felt the hot wetness streaming out of my vagina as my fingers started dancing over my clitoris. I inhaled the earthy fragrance my aroused womanhood and the heavy scent of my sweat. The smell of sex I thought...female sex. I plunged my fingers into my vagina. The sensation of it drove me to the edge of insanity. But I still could not bring myself to orgasm. My hips were swinging in circles on the pillow. My hand was trapped between my pussy and the drenched pillow. The headboard was banging faster against the wall as I tried to fuck myself to death. Suddenly, I felt my clitoral region start to tingle, followed by a hot orgasmic gush of heat. Then, I exploded in orgasm. I groan loudly as an excruciating orgasm consumed me. I felt a hot torrent of oil gush out of me as I rode the waves of my orgasm. But it wasn't enough. I wasn't finish. I rolled onto my back and attack my clitoris with my fingers. I used fingers in a frantic up and down motion against my clit. I was almost there. I could feel my second orgasm right there. 

I drew my legs up plunge the fingers of my left hand into my sopping wet pussy while the fingers of my right hand did a magical dance on my clitoris. I was going mad...I could not stop myself....I was almost there. My whole being was centred on my clitoris. Nothing else mattered. My hips were rolling in rhythm with my fingers. I heard myself moaning, but I couldn't stop. I was to close to climax. Then, I brought myself to orgasm. The world cease to existed as an orgasmic bomb exploded inside me. Wave after wave of orgasmic pleasure roared though me. I felt my vagina orgasmic contracting around my fingers. Hot oil actually squirted out of me as I came. My fingers were covered with it. I was moaning and groaning uncontrollably. I rolled from side to side in an effort to control myself. I couldn't breath! This was too much! Finally, I started to calm down. As the aftershocks of my orgasms continued to pleasure me, I couldn't stop rubbing my pussy. I could still feel my vagina muscles orgasmic twitching around my fingers. I knew that the torrent of hot oil that I felt squirting out of me during my second orgasm was something knew.

I had never done that before. But then, I have never even dreamed about masturbating like I just did. I was really beginning to calm down but I was still breathing like a racehorse. I couldn't help but notice how wet my bedding became from me. I was lying there, on my back, completely naked and still rubbing my swollen sex when I heard, "are you finished young lady?" MY MOM!! She was standing at my door looking at me with a silly grin of her face. I thought I would die of embarrassment. I had know idea how long she had been standing there. With a smile, she said, "I thought you were going to roll off of the bed when you went into orgasm." My Mom, the comedian. I was not laughing. I covered my face with my hands and said, "I'm sorry Mom. I couldn't stop myself...I'm sorry." I felt like crying. She came over to me and sat on my bed. Then she pulled me to her and hugged me. Then she said, "you really miss Amber don't you?" "Yes." I answered, as I wiped a tear from my eye, "I really miss her.

I'm in love with her." "I know how it feels when your lover isn't around when you need them the most. I felt that way when your Dad left us for that slut." She kissed me gently on my lips and said, "don't be embarrass by what you just did. Masturbating is both healthy and very normal. I do it myself when I need to." I did not need to hear that. But it's true. Sometime I can hear her doing it at night too. She is a beautiful healthy woman who has urges just like everyone else. She held my face in her hands and kissed me on my sweaty forehead. Then said, "I'll buy you a phone card so that you can call Amber tomorrow." I hugged her as hard as I could and said, "thanks Mom. I love you." She hugged me back and said, "I love you to Kala. Then she stood up and said, "If you're finish, maybe we can both get some sleep." She smiled and went back to her room. I love my Mom. She is the coolest lady in the world.

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