Xmas Eve  



I was spending Christmas Eve with my boyfriend Justin and his large extended-family. Justin had a ton of uncles and aunts, cousins, nieces and nephews. I was very close to his cousin Mari and had a college-girl crush on her husband Ben, who worked as a court reporter for a prestigious law firm.

Ben and Mari arrived late on Christmas Eve, barely in time for supper. Ben had obviously had a fair number of drinks at the office party before leaving work, and wasted no time in coming over to the makeshift bar to plant a wet kiss on my lips as he grabbed at my ass and tits. For a drunk, he had a good aim, but a quick feel from Ben wasn't exactly what I wanted for Christmas. As I unwound myself from his fumbling attentions, we were called to dinner.  As luck would have it, I ended up seated between Justin and Ben.

You have to understand a bit about Justin. He was 19 and living at home with mom and dad. I was 24, had been on my own for close to 8 years, and was considered something of a wanton woman by most of Justin's family. His older brother thought I was going to "use" poor Justin somehow ... what can a girl steal from a 19 year old boy, except his virginity?  He gave it willingly, so there was nothing left to take but his attention and his time.

Justin's parents were really cool, and didn't blink an eye when I started sleeping over several nights a week ... Justin slept in the guest house next to the pool, so we had a lot of privacy. The first couple times I had to face his parents at breakfast were a bit awkward (for me, at any rate), but we all soon adjusted to each other. Justin, of course, walked around night and day with a hard cock and a desire to be used in any possible fashion. And I took full advantage of the possibilities.

Being Christmas Eve, I was all dressed up. Short, tight red sweater dress, white thigh high stockings with lace tops, black patent heels, and a wonderful red satin and lace bra. When Ben grabbed my ass before dinner, he could tell I wasn't wearing panties (an extra little "gift" for Justin that night).  As I sat down, my skirt crept up my thighs, and I had to work to wriggle it back down below the tops of my stockings. A long holiday tablecloth, grazing my thighs, helped to maintain my "modesty."

As soon as we began eating, I felt a hand on the outside of my right thigh, sliding my skirt up to where fingers were fondling bare skin.  The hand belonged to Ben, who was just starting to tell a story about a deposition that he had to take late that afternoon ... Christmas Eve! ... and he wanted our sympathy for working so hard and so late. Moments later, I felt Justin's hand on my left leg, caressing the inside of my knee. I had had several glasses of wine, and my mind began to wonder just how much I could get away with, without getting "caught" by Justin or anyone else at the table. To avoid looking suspicious, I began to pay rapt attention to the story Ben was telling, while pushing my food around my plate.

    Late that afternoon, a new client named Nancy had given a deposition as part of the discovery process of a civil suit. Nancy was a 22 year old hairdresser and, according to Ben, was knock-down gorgeous. Several weeks earlier, she had been alone in the shop, just getting ready to lock up, when an attractive man in his early 30's came in and asked if he could get a haircut without an appointment. Although she would normally have told him she was on her way out the door, she decided to stay the few extra minutes it would take to cut and style his hair. Christmas was coming, and she needed the money.

I could feel Ben's hand sliding across the top of my leg to the inside of my thigh. For some reason, my only concern at the moment was that Justin not know that Ben was playing with my leg. I had to get Justin to move his hand, fast, so I placed my hand over his and moved our hands to his cock. Jeez, he was already hard, right in the middle of Christmas dinner! Feeling Justin's stiff cock under my hand, and Ben's hand moving further up my thigh, was very arousing.  I knew that Ben knew there was a bare pussy a few inches away from his probing fingers. I began to stroke Justin with the heel of my palm, hoping to distract him enough to keep his hand out of my lap.

    Nancy took the man to the back of the shop, where the washbowls were. She placed a towel around the man's neck, and then fastened a drape (one of those backwards batman capes) around him, covering his shoulders, arms, and lap. As she washed his hair, massaging his head, they made the usual small talk of people who had just met ... how long she had had her job, what he did for a living (accountant), whether or not they were seeing anyone serious. Nancy and her boyfriend had just split up, so she and the man began to flirt a bit as he settled into her chair for his haircut.

    As Nancy began cutting his hair, she noticed a slight movement under the cape, in the man's lap. He was looking at her in the mirror, making eye contact, as they continued to talk. She ran the comb through his hair, carefully clipping behind his ears, and again glanced down. There was no mistaking the motion of his hand in his lap, hidden from her direct sight. The man was stroking his cock while he watched her cut his hair.

Ben's hand slid all the way up my thigh, and parted my wet pussy lips. At almost exactly the same moment, Justin unzipped his pants and pulled his cock out. The effort of concentrating on dinner was tremendous ... I had Justin's cock in my left hand and Ben's fingers trying to find their way into my very aroused pussy. I was still trying to eat with my right hand, while concentrating on Ben's story. Ben was really dragging it out, determined to keep everyone's attention -- and eyes -- on him as he finished telling his story while beginning to finger fuck me under the table. He wanted me to know that everyone was looking at him as he played with my pussy.

Justin wrapped his hand around mine, helping to set the pace as I stroked his cock harder and harder. He, too, was pretending to give his full attention to Ben's story while attempting to eat. And I was getting very turned on by the thought of a man surreptitiously masturbating in front of a beautiful girl while having his hair cut. I would have loved to have been Nancy at that moment, looking down and imagining the man's hand on his cock, stroking just for her. Instead I was mildly drunk Allison, being pulled towards an orgasm by a married man, while jacking my boyfriend off to keep him from knowing what was going on.

    For a moment, the customer's hands were motionless under the drape. Then, Nancy told the attorneys, there was a sudden flurry of movement in the man's lap. She was alone, and frightened, and had no idea what to do. For all she knew, the guy was some sort of nut who might try to hurt her.

Ben paused to pick up his wine and take a long sip. He raised his glass towards me, and proposed a toast to Justin, for having such a beautiful girlfriend. Everyone at the table lifted their glasses and smiled at me, as Justin began to come all over my hand. At the same time, Ben expertly hooked his fingers right behind my pubic bone, and pressed so hard that he nearly lifted me off the chair. My body began to shudder as I brought my glass to my lips. Ben leaned close and kissed me behind the ear, then whispered that I was a cute little slut, which for some damn reason made me come even harder. He kept his fingers inside me as he finished his story.

    Nancy looked again at the man's lap. There was no doubt in her mind that he was stroking his cock, getting off on the idea of her watching while she pretended to not notice. She had finished cutting his hair, and was terrified of what might happen next. She considered her options, and realized that she had none. If she tried to run to the door, he might come after her and do God-knows-what. She picked up her blow-dryer with both hands and smashed it against the back of his head as she screamed. Then she ran out the door and jumped into her car, locking the doors as she dialed 911 on her car phone. The man was still unconscious when the police arrived.

Ben slowly slipped his fingers out of my pussy, and let them drift up and across my clit. For a few brief seconds, he rubbed my swollen clit in tiny circles. Then he casually lifted his hand above the table, and dipped three fingers in his gravy. I watched as he began to suck the gravy ... and my pussy juices ... off his fingers while he again enjoyed everyone's eyes on him, waiting for the end of the story.

    The man filed assault charges against Nancy. He had been cleaning his glasses.



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Xmas Eve