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F.Blossom™ News

June 2004 News

Emilys Adventures was entered in a Contest in September 2003. The results were posted on June 2nd, 2004 and the novel placed 3rd out of 276 enteries. The top 5 books move on to the next round where they will be judged by an editor and the final winner will recieve a book contract.

Working on chapter 8 of Beth & Rheana and it is full of surprises and secrets. I will work on a synopsis and post it as soon as I can. The novel should be completed and edited by Spring 2005.

Largon Land is coming along nicely. I do not want tell you too much about this story as it is in still unfolding. I am having fun with this book creating many twists and turns and many obsticles for the adventurous young reader.

July 2004 News