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    Loki the Trickster, as he is often called, is extremely cunning and challenges the gods in many instances, but can also be helpful by getting them out of predicaments. He is a giant with some daemonic qualities, but became an Aesir when Odin swore him in as a blood brother. He has spawned some of the worst creatures to plague the earth, like the giant serpent known as Jormungand and the infamous Fenris Wolf, but he also is the father of Sleipnir, Odin’s eight-legged steed, which proved very useful.

    When Loki became annoyed that Balder was seemingly invincible, he disguised himself and after sneaking around discovered that the only thing that could hurt Balder was mistletoe. When all the gods gathered around Balder and shot at him for target practice, Loki handed a mistletoe to Balder’s twin brother, Hodur, who happened to be blind. Hodur’s shot killed Balder on the spot, but the gods found out Loki was behind it and Skadi sentenced him to his final punishment.  The gods turned his son Vali into a wolf, who then tore apart his other son, Narfi. Narfi’s entrails were used to bind Loki down over the edges of three stones – one under his shoulder, the second under his loins, and the third under his knee joints, and a venomous snake was hung above him, its venom dripping down continuously. Loki’s faithful wife Sigyn sits next to him, holding a dish over him to catch the poison.

    When the day of Ragnarok comes Loki’s bonds will break and he will lead all the giants and evil creatures in a great army against the gods, where the final battle will take place. Odin and the Fenris Wolf will be the first to engage in combat, but the Fenris Wolf will prevail in the end, swallowing the father of all gods. Vidar will avenge his father by hacking the wolf into pieces, where it will meet its messy end. Jormungand will duel with his archenemy, Thor, but Thor will finally swing his mighty hammer straight into the serpent’s head, smashing it. Before Jormungand dies, though, it will drop its last bit of venom on Thor, who will take but nine steps back before death closes his eyes.