For Hillbilly Days 2002 we had us a real Family Reunion! I got ta see some of ma kin folk I haven't seen in years.
Meet ma cousin, Betsy Jo.
This is ma Uncle Richard. He's a Quaker. He's a really strict 'en!
If I says a naughty word, he hits me with a ruler!
This is Cousin Lou Ann.
Can ya tell the resemblence?
We always beehave when Uncle Richard is 'round.
This is ma Uncle Judd.
Say howdy ta Cousin Benny!
This is ma Cousin James, not ta be confused with ma uncle of the same name.
Meet Mawmaw B and Cousin Ellie.
Mawmaw B makes the best moonshine!
Look, I found a womun!
And she ain't related either!