- Eddie -
Hey wat up? Weve ben friends 4 mor than a decade, lol.We've had sum phat times 2gether partyin, 4-wheelin, sleep ovas, swimmin, man hunt, golf cartin,da famous $13 platium car washed dat i payed 4 n quarters, Prom party- Ive had it up to hea!

- Jason -
Hey ur a big part of my lif. Ur dare 4 me thro da good & thro da bad, i couldnt ask 4 a betta friend! We got da awesome times 2gether, sleep ovas, partyin, 4 wheelin, swimmin, 2 n da mornin bike rides...Thanx 4 bein thea!Luvz ya!

- Mike -
Hey what up? Good times 2gether... partyin, sleepovas, the storys u can tell, 4 wheeling, sk8n, wiffle ball,jeep rides jumpin crubs, man hunt, black leather pants, prom party lol...

- Joe -
Hey Hoe! How's da bacardi o, lol. Phat times partyin w/u. We got close n da 6 months dat u were hea & now u leavin us, ;( ! U gut sum stuff on me. Hey wanna go 4 wheelin, lol, dumb ass! Good times 2gether, marther luther king weekend, sleepin ^ da strip, 4 wheelin, partyin, swimmin, sk8n. Fun times skippin school drivin around every where stealin signs, buyin squart guns, movies.

- Dennis -
Hey whats up? U've been an awesome friend that no one can ask betta for! :) Fun ass times wit u, car rides, 4 wheeling, go cartin, mini golfin, sleepin ^ da strip, swimmin, sk8n, prom party, partyin- Ridin people down da stairs,lol, i gut a scar from dat shit.Fun ass times keep um comin!

- Ashley-
Hey buffy whats up? Platium Bongs! Fun ass times w/u! Partyin, oh da partyin we do 2gether, memba da time dat i got home from dat party w/u & marissa & we sleep @ ur sistas boyfriends house & i was ^ till like 3:30 w/u & ur sista & Joey & i woke ^ da next mornin & go were da fuck am I & ur sista goes long night huh? Den joey yellin @ his dog, "U r DMX, holla back youngin!" dat was sum messed ^ shit! fun times 4 wheelin, swimmin, partyin, 4 wheelin n da jeep, sleepin ^ da strip wen i wouldnt get off da phone & give u da bong, & u go get off da phone or im gonna...smash, wat da fuck ashley...oops thro my bottle @ u, peace maker gettin da fat lip! goin 2 da church...

- Marissa -
Hey whats up? We always manage 2 get n2 trouble sum how wen we r 2gether, i dont get it. We gutta let da cows out! Bobby only get ntrouble wen we r dare. Fun times 2gether partyin, 4 wheelin, sleep ovas, sleepin ^ da strip bein da peace maker wen u punched me n da mouth & u didnt even member dat. I woke ^ & u look @ me & go wat happened 2 u & i go u punched me last night & u go i did. U just be lucky i didnt hit u bac, wait til nex time. Fun times skippin school stealin da signs @ every restaurant dat was open & if dey werent open we went bac lata. Den buyin, da water guns & squartin all da cars we went by, den goin 2 da movies & stealin all dare signs, opps, we must of got more dan 50 signs dat day, at least dat.

- Missy -
Whoopa! whats up? Fun ass times, eggs, car rides, mall, friendlys, partys, prom party chasin u thru the woods...

-Tristin -
hey whats up? Fun ass times w/u guys @ sk8n, burger king, mcdonalds, bickfords. Da peeps @ burger king didnt need their gas caps i swear, or dare wind shield whipper fluid or dare wet floor signs. Good times @ Wendys walkin ^ 2 dare drive thro window & da fat guy yellin @ me and Jen. So when we came back ur mom let me take da car thro & we were yellin at da people in front of us. Im the angel child memba dat! Im not always high i swear, only da days dat end n y, lol. U,Jen & me gut da perfect fightin team.Drivin go carts or should i say bumper cars & u gettin hurt, u cant drive a car 4 da life of u, nice parkin job, u only took ^ 4 parkin spots! BIG PUPILS

- PJ -
hey whats up? We da partners n crime & stealin stupid shit.Fun ass times @ Bickfords w/u, da only thing we need 2 open our own bickfords is tables & chairs, we gut signs, menus, magazine racks, drills, silver wear, salt pepper shakers, jelly racks, bathroom signs...Fun times @ burger king, ketchup! fat beast! wind shield whipper fluid, wet floor signs, gas caps, breakin n2 da playground, da tarp & da door locked is a sign dat they dont want us n dare, oh fuck it jump da fence, kickin ur shoe on top of da play pen. Dey dont let us eat inside, ok den lets set ^ blanket & eat on da side walk. U runnin ova my foot n da drive thro wen i got out 2 let u drive. fun *ss times, partyin, sk8n...dose kids fall on dare own right, lol, we gutta get da party started more often, we party partners!Prom party was a night to fuckin remember, well what we can remember anyways

- Jen -
hey wudd up? fall much sk8n, lol. Fun ass times w/u & da gang. Shaws, bickfords, burger king, sk8n, wendys, pissing da guy off at wendys, lol, havin tristin drive at wendys wen i hopped out,now dat was an experience dat u wont forget, dont get n da car if tristin is driving, lol, i thought we were gonna end ^ on 106 wen we were n wendys drive thro! BIG PUPILS

- Bobby -
Weve been friends 4 lik ever. We gut sum fun ass times 2gether u have 2 admitt. Me fallin out of a parked boat wen i was hammered, hittin golf balls @ ur neighbors house & he came out & we hide & he stayed outside 4 lik 2 hrs & wen i came ova da next mornin & was about 2 knock on ur door & he yelled & i went ova 2 him & he started 2 yell @ me & i told him 2 fuck off dat i dont even live hea, & he said ya right, & wouldnt believe me & said dat wen eva he goes by hes c me dare day or night, i was lik ya ur point. den u runnin away from home & only settin ^ a tent n da field across da street. 1 more beer, lol 13 beers 2 many 4 me to sk8, wats goin on kids it smells lik pot n hea, no joe was just ^ hea smokin a cigarette, he walks out da front door & we light dat shit back ^. We got alot of fun times 2 member, 4 wheelin, camp outs, 2 n da mornin bone rides, goin thro da cut thro w/cops goin by as u light it ^ & mark drinkin a bottle of vodka & da cop dont even stop. 2 2 many memories 2 list!

Hey whats up? Fun ass times w/u! Comin n2 ur driveway thingy w/joe goin lik 30 & ur mom comin out & askin who was drivin it & told u dat u werent 2 get n da jeep w/me,joe & mark. Den she wouldnt go inside cuz she knew u were gonna jump n. Fun time @ da fair checkin out da guys & ridin da tomahawk. Swimmin nights @ my house & egans. Gettin muddy w/u takin pics. Da way back of dennis's car is my offical seat afta sk8n. Fun ass times w/da gang, keep dem comin!Secret spy missions u send me on!

Hey u r 1 funny kid! R u ever not laughin, i swear. Fun times @ da fair winnin beads 4 u,me, brianna, dennis,mark,matta,egan,& christian, & me giving them ^ 4 2 cigarettes, lol, sry, i needed 1 badly! Get pushed n da pool much, lol.Me goin on my secret spy missions dat u & Brianna send me on. Fun ass times w/u & da gang.

Hey whats up? We have sum mad fun times 2gether w/ da crew, sk8n, bickfords, swimmin,4 wheelin, u could only c da whites of my eyes wen i was all muddy,marshfield fair. Ur dog is da coolest dog. I throw da ball n da water it goes n right afta it no matter how many times i thro it n. JOSHUA! Fun times @ da palace. I always have fun w/u & da crew, many memories & more 2 come.

-Bun Bun-
LOL hows dis Ashlee, U r da greatest BUN BUN.

Joshua 4 life, lol. Fun ass times w/u. Swimmin @ ur house & mine, sk8n, marshfield field,gettin all muddy, goin 2 c u @ Dunkin Donuts,j/ plain chillin we always have da memories 2 member

PETRINOID! Dats my word! Hey what is up? "Jessica" Jessica" fun ass time @ friendly's, lol. Den da guy dat kept goin ^ & down da street n fs white car lookin @ us, so i yelled rape. Can u say mud, lol.Prom party- Ive had it up to hea! The tree ate my hat! Fun times @ sk8n & wat not.

Hey! Fun ass times w/u & da crew! Friendlys w/teph matta, u, brianna & me. Me yellin "Jessica", den da guy n da white car dat kept passing us lookin @ us & followed us 2 blockbuster. Den da guys on da motorcycle. Ass smakin convention! hows ur legs doin? Fun ass times, me gettin all muddy & u could only see da whites of my eyes, swimmin & my house, marshsfield fair, sk8n...Always have a memory every time we chill.

Age aint nuttin but a fuckin number baby
You wanna fuck
You fuck!

[ If u want n on dis, tell me & ill put u n ]