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Surf's Up !!!

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Johnny Juuann Debut Album

Hey Everybody , It's Me , Johnny Juuann !! Even though the summer of 2011 has been the coldest since 1980 , I'm still enjoying myself !! I'm clubing at Davie , Surfing at Ambleside and Wreck , and hanging out by Commercial . I finally completed my debut album : " Johnny Juuann " . Step Daddy J produced and egineared it and it's a classic !! I love it ! I love it , I love it !! Peter Black , Step Daddy J , BCGZ and Step Daddy J are on it . These are great times in the summer fun !! Love ya'll !!

Juuann 7/28/2011/Thursday $






















































Peter Black " Black Lagoon "


J Da Rippa " J Da Rippa 3 Mentally Unstable "


Step Daddy J " Croatian Sensation "














Hey wazzp ya'll ! Black Lagoon Records is in Full Effect in the brand new year of 2007 !! We've added a Peter Black Soundclick page at :

And we've also added a Peter Black My Space Web Page at :


Black Lagoon Records Is Definatly In Affect and 2007 will be the 1 st year for Peter Black's own record company : Black Lagoon


Also Jugovich Records is working on a new project/concept . We've alawys been fresh and done new things in the entertainment field . Well we set trendz and it's no different when it comes to the radio . We are introducing : Radio John Danijel Jugovic or shortned you can call it JDJ Radio !!

You can check out this cool new project by going to :

2007 are big days for Jgovich Records and Now Black Lagoon Records as well . Stay in touch ya'll !!

J-Child January.16'2007 Tuesday

















Surf's Up !! Last Night me and Mark Scockey and the Rest of the Broadmour Crew Where partying it up at the Caprise . The International Fireworks are going on now and the waves , surfings and all things in between are totally radical man !! Everybody's partying on the beach these days !!

Nefarious Blue wants to make some more music again , he told he wants a lot of people on his future music endivor . His one and only album " Murder In Broadmour 22:22 P.M. " is so fresh . It came out 3 years ago June 2002 with the picture of Nefarious Blue drinking by the swimming pool with that swimsuit chick overlooking him . Just the cover alone made people wanna buy that cool album !!

I wanna make a music project too but we'll see if the boss , Step Daddy J has time for it .

Summer of 2005 started of real cold . It was cloudy and rainy from the beginning of June till the middle of July , now , finally , the skies are blue and the UV Indexes are high so me and my surfdudes can get really tanned up !!

See ya at English Bay and also , congratz to John Danijel Jugovich on his engagement to his woman , Charlene Elizabeth Tait !

Tha J Child Proposed Sunday July.24'2005 on the ocean shores of beautifull English Bay as the sun setted at 9:06 P.M. Charlene said " Yes "

Congratualions !!!!


Johnny Juuann July.28'2005 Thursday













Hey , this is Johnny Juuann . What's going on ??? I've been surfing and dabbling with hip hop for a while now . June.21'2005 . That's the first day of summer for 2005 !! That's totally radical man !!

Expect the unexpected when I get on the microphone and tell you about my tales of life off the west shore of Vancouver Island .

Straight from Tofino B.C. , that what I represent .

Johnny Juuann 11/30/2004
