يا أيها الذين
آمنوا إن تنصروا
الله ينصركم و
يثبت أقدامكم
“O you who believe, if you help Allah, He will help you and
establish your feet firmly.”[1]
At this crucial time on planet Earth, we have a universal
need for justice and safety for all the inhabitants, human and non-human, on
this planet. This however has not taken place under the umbrella of man–made
laws. These conjured up laws have brought more wars and hatred amongst people
than the world has ever known. There then needs to be a practical and workable
solution to this global need.
For far too long, the earth has been made to be a testing ground for nuclear weapons, a graveyard for soldiers who died in unnecessary wars and a place of pollution for those to unload the poisonous chemicals from industrial sites. Surely, our Lord and Creator has not left us without a solution to these problems. Of all the problems that exist, our Maker and Creator is showing us the Need for Shari`a, which is a universal panacea that will meet the needs for all that are crying out for justice.
is the Shari`a?
The Shari`a is the Islamic law and order. It has two forms:
1. The laws that govern the creation in general, which are ‘natural
laws’ such as gravity, the sun shining, the earth rotating, grass growing,
clouds forming, etc.
2. The laws that govern creation in particular (those creations with
free will, like humans), with laws such as, not to steal, take drugs or
worship other gods, be they human or otherwise. These laws in particular are
revealed laws, which were given to the prophets of old and are preserved for us
through the final prophet Muhammad r, peace be upon him.
Through the revelation given to Muhammad r, and how Muhammad r explained the revelation to
his followers, we are able to put into practice these heavenly revealed
ordinances that Allah I has revealed to us. This,
in short, explains the Shari`a in its origin. But later, some disputes arose
amongst the scholars. These disputes
came from different understandings of the same text. However, all of them
agreed upon the main principles of what God revealed. The solution that came
from these disputes resulted in another branch of Shari`a to appear. This
branch is known as interpreted Shari`a. It wouldn’t be long before the
apostates and deviants came along, who then added to, took away, distorted,
cancelled and changed some essential parts and principles of the Shari`a.
Therefore the Shari`a nowadays consists of three main branches.
original Shari`a of law codes revealed to Muhammad r in the Qur’an and
the Sunna. This is the one that we are trying to protect and implement.
The Interpreted Shari`a, which is based on the original texts. The
Interpreted Shari`a has two elements,
The Interpreted Shari`a based on the Qur’an, Sunna and the Consensus
of the different respected schools of thought of Ahl us-Sunna walJama`ah.
The Interpreted Shari`a, which is the result of ignorance, people’s
desires and the clinging onto doctrines and rituals that are not
from Ahl us-Sunna walJama`ah. We have to fight this kind of Shari`a, resist it
and inform people about it, as long as it is not being imposed by the sword.
However, the moment its’ people start to impose it by the sword, then it
becomes incumbent to continue fighting it with the same type of sword and to
resist it on all fronts and incite people against it.
3. The Replaced Shari`a, those laws being man-made and
incompatible and unacceptable to the laws of God. This kind of Shari`a is
today’s main battle of Haakimiyyah (Allah’s Law giving, Legislative power) and
our main struggle is to remove the polytheism in this system that challenges
the might and right of God. It is present all over the world, in different
forms, but with a uniform principle.
Our first aim is to repair and to supervise the earth that we live on.
Muslims and non-Muslims are being oppressed throughout the world. There are
many jama`aat (assembled organisations) struggling to remove the oppression
created by man-made laws. Thus the objective is for the whole of mankind to be
released from slavery to man-made laws and given freedom, purity and justice by
living under Allah’s laws-those being the Shari`a.
Our second aim is to encourage and bring other jama`aat together to
work for the same principles. Thus groups that share the same beliefs of Ahl
us-Sunna walJama`ah but do not know of each other will come to know of each
other. This mutual cooperation brings unity and with unity comes strength, and
with strength and the right beliefs comes the help from Allah I. We don’t claim that we
should be the leaders of such a great task, but we hope that we can give them
support from wherever we are to wherever they are. Such a noble task can only
be realised on the hands of real people sacrificing on the front line, not from
booklets, tapes and the like. It is truly an honour to be a supporter of even
one of these people of the front line in these times.
offender is made to be a public example for those that might think to
perpetrate such an act in the future. This is what we call free advertising.
There is full recompense for the property
that was taken from the victim. Thus the victim of the crime can feel assured
that he will not always be a target, as justice will always prevail.
If the man has a family, they are not
deprived of his presence. Even though he has done a crime, he is not held in
prison and prevented from his wife and children.
It remains as a lesson for the perpetrator so
perhaps he may act as a warner to the youth or other criminals that may look to
him for guidance.
perpetrator does not have to wait out a lengthy jail sentence, with the
resources of the general public being drained to support his nourishment in the
way of food as well as his medical and dental maintenance and learning other
criminal tactics.
The desires of the husband must also be thought of in this picture. He
may turn to homosexuality while in prison, as these places are breeding grounds
for paedophiliacs, sexual deviants and other social refuse. Thus due to basic
human desires, he turns to the disastrous practice of Sodom and Gomorrah. This
again will figure on medical expenses, as these episodes will result in AIDS
and other social diseases that will surface inside of the prison.
number of sexual transmitted diseases will be lessened.
spread of these diseases will be able to be checked and kept at a minimum.
In general those who want to fulfill their obligations in supporting
the Shari`a everywhere should also be in tune with the conditions of the world
and the current events that surround them. This current time is one of great
turmoil. We are seeing Muslims that are being plundered of their wealth, women,
and property and more recently, the intellectual colonisation. With the return
of military colonisation coming to such places as the Holy Land in the Arabian
Peninsula, we are saying that not only do the enemies of God and of Islam have
dominion, but they are now dividing up the spoils of their victory.
All of these circumstances have led to worldwide humiliation and shame
on Muslims. The enjoining of the right and the forbidding of the wrong is
imperative, otherwise Divine wrath will not only come quickly, but will be more
severe than we have ever known. In foreign lands in which jihaad rages, there
is a great amount of emphasis on these movements and the believers are pleased
with the efforts of our sincere brothers in these lands.
Premature celebration
However, this short lived pleasure has served to take the attention
away from the Holy Land of the Muslims in the Arabian Peninsula, the Holy
Sanctuaries in Jerusalem, not to mention the use of the Muslim world’s natural
resources as a free token by outside powers. This has not been accomplished
simply by outside interference. There are sinister, black hearted forces that
have assisted in the blows dealt to the Muslims, which have our entire Ummah
bleeding internally. Previously, when we had Shari`a as the only
legislation, non-Muslims, out of respect, would not eat in the daytime in front
of Muslims during the month of Ramadan. Now, the tyrants of our Muslim
lands don’t even put on the pretensions of fasting and they make it difficult
for us to do our duties and to even function as Muslims.
Previously, building a public drinking house in any Muslim land would be met with
hysteria. Now, we Muslims merely shrug our shoulders and look on with
dismay as they spring up in a new neighborhood with each passing year. In
times gone by, a brothel would have been closed down with the severest of
force. Now, prostitutes have become the new queens of the night, as well
as their lewd homosexual and transvestite partners in crime.
This increase and severity in this evil is due to letting it accumulate
and not enjoining the right and forbidding the wrong. It is because Muslims in
general have left it for so long that it has become a dark stain, discolouring
and smudging the hearts and minds of all our young children. Now that we step
up to enjoin the right, we are shocked at how vigorous, vibrant and pervasive
falsehood has made itself to the world. In the time it took to fortify itself
and draw up armies, it was able to plan each move and to dig into its’
trenches. With this poblem we have two realities:
The first is that
righteous Muslims will stop the kufr and Allah I will return our honour to us.
The second reality is
that in the struggle of removing the evil many Muslims, innocent and otherwise,
will be martyred, maimed by artillery or hurt in the process. This is the
penalty for leaving it (falsehood) to sit for so long that our duty has now
become not only difficult, but also attractive to leave due to its perceived
Experimenting with man-made laws
Other tactics have been attempted to bring about the Shari`a and lift
the harm from the Muslims, like democracy, which has failed us. In places such
as Algeria, democracy only fanned the fires of kufr (unbelief) and effectively
orphaned half of the population and threw them on the doorstep of Europe, begging
for food. The experiment in the 1950s with socialism proved to be disastrous
and brought a bureaucracy that rivaled that of Europe’s. This new system also
brought its’ two companions, wide spread starvation and poverty, which left the
countries in the form of a welfare state, with an economy in shambles and
useless rhetoric in books collecting dust on library shelves.
The part scholars play in our present condition
We then have our friendly scholars, who act as the wet nurses to the
Muslims and mistresses to the satanic rulers. These scholars throw the book of
God behind their back and keep the unsightly acts of the evil tyrants out of
sight. These are the ones that invite armies from foreign nations into our
homelands and write books with beliefs that neither their forefathers nor ours
had heard of before. In addition to this, they have their cult of followers
that worship each new glossy book that makes its way off the printing press,
paid for with the blood of the Muslim youth.
These scholars do their part to keep the young and growing minds of our
youth in stasis. Verses are either hidden or misexplained, ahaadith consigned
to the dustbin and the personage of our Prophet r, peace be upon him, is reduced to that of a
farmer or pop star, one takes what one likes and discards the rest. These
forces are what give symbolic legitimacy to the rulers by claiming that Divine
Providence protects their rotting thrones. With the military providing power
and rule through coercion, the marriage between both shades of kufr (unbelief)
is consummated.
With each group of scholars, you will find a different set of
objectives. Scholars from Iraq are going to agitate their people against
scholars from Saudi Arabia while scholars from Iran are aggressive towards both
in addition to the West. With each country and its’ own scholars, we see that
for many of them, the religion is merely a playground game, which they play
when they feel like it. Although these people do not leave any physical marks
on the bodies of Muslims, they do leave scars on our minds and hurt us
The tyrant governments have used the evil scholars and unknowledgeable
people against the sincere Ummah, which brought further confusion and
disillusionment to the masses of Islam and provoked the uneducated masses
against their sincere and striving Mujaahidin, who are attempting to protect
the rights of the masses of Islam.
The armies of Shaitan (Satan) have been recruited
These satanic regimes have also filled their armies with the lowest
creatures on the food chain, to bolster their ranks and continue their reign of
terror. Thus it would be foolhardy to conceptualise these armies, whether it be
in form, belief, methodology or in the process in which they operate, as armies
of Allah I.
These armies are bursting at the seams with Jews, Christians
Free-Masons, Satanists, Buddhists, Hindus, Atheists large groups of Muslims
within as well as countless other monsters that march in their ranks. To think
that they would allow any type of implementation of Shari`a or even stand for
any such talk is at best laughable. As Muslims seeking the truth to be our
guide, we must face the reality that civil war in many of these countries is
within the near future as a sure reality, with confrontation with these armies
as another reality staring us right in the face.
These armies train every day, to kill, destroy and maim those who
oppose them, be they children or even the elderly. The stark reality of this situation
must be faced and the only way to move forward is to confront it physically.
Many of the people in these government security forces are the fathers and the
husbands of innocent people, unaware of what they are attached to. These
innocent people should not be targeted as part of any jihaad operation, unless
they are taken into the barracks and isolated from the Muslim community. Only
then can they be classed as supporters of apostates and can be possessed as a
property of the Mujaahidin, like the Sahaaba t did with the wives and children of
apostates. Otherwise, they are from the Muslim community and they shall never
be targeted, in fact they should be helped.
Long winded da’awa and the Shaikhs with long
Others have decided to stretch verbal[4] da`awa (propagation of
Islam) as long as possible so they will never in life be confronted with
physically fighting for the Ummah. These unscrupulous characters are
continually writing set after set of redundant books, which at best make good frisbees.
In addition to this, they attack the Mujaahidin as Khawaarij (misguided
extremists), renegades and unknowledgeable people. In all of their years, these
Pentagon Muslims have tried to suppress every single streak of Islamic
revival, so as not to disturb the bank tellers of the interest banks or those
who manage or own the houses of alcohol. Many of them rejoice like hypocrites
over the setbacks and failures of some Mujaahidin, and with great zeal and
enthusiasm they congratulate their lap top shaikhs and checkbook Mawlawis
(teachers). All of these efforts are well-concerted attempts to hamper the
Victorious Party from its constant objective, which is to always be fighting
for the truth until the Day of Judgement. They will not be harmed in the least
by these feeble attempts. And what suffering they do undergo will be rewarded
by God Almighty.
The Sacred and the Profane: Muslims, the global target
What’s more is that since our holiest sanctuaries have fallen into the
hands of the most blameworthy of humanity, it is only jihaad and those who do
jihaad that can fix the situation. The whole Muslim world watched in stunned
silence in 1988 when a crazed Christian from Australia tried to set fire to Al
Aqsa Mosque, starting with the bench Salah ud-Din dedicated to the mosque over
400 years ago. No one other than angry Muslims killed Israeli soldiers in the
market, following that incident could show the world that Muslims still valued
and cherished the things sacred in Islam.
Muslims are also not safe from rampaging Jews opening gunfire in
mosques as the incident of Baruch Goldstein in 1982 proves again and again. Not
only did Goldstein begin his attack in the morning, but it was while the
Muslims were praying. It is well to heed the words of Yitzhak Rabin when he
said of the Muslims, “Once we see the mosques full again for morning-prayer
and the Muslims fighting, then we will leave Israel.”[5]
Thus, it is a sure proof from our enemies that even they know where the
solution to the plight of the Muslims lies, that is in rising up and struggling
for our honour, which our Lord will then give us when we strive for His sake
alone. But let us also look at the
situation in front of us if we are to strive in the Holy Land. Those who strive
to fight against the Jews will be taken into custody by the Palestinian
authority, Jordanian authority and all kinds of other authorities that claim
allegiance to Islam before they will even see Jews in front of them. We can see
here who are the shields for the Jews and who are the shields for Islam and its
And if by Divine providence they were able to make jihaad, there would
be a great witch-hunt against them just as there is for the Mujaahidin that
fight in other countries. After the jihaad in these lands cools, the world will
begin to look for these Muslims as terrorists, and many will have to run to
other countries as refugees, where they can not even present themselves as
proper Muslims, let alone as the proper Mujaahid veterans that they are.
Some of them will and have died in exile and are buried in Christian
cemeteries next to unbelievers and/or misguided people, both of which he would
have fought on the battlefield if he was alive. Thus the Mujaahidin are
disgraced twice by the world in which they tried to enact justice, once when
they were alive and traveling in the earth and again in taking care of them in
their treatment after death. These gross injustices must come to an end.
Jihaad and the Paradox
Others stood up in the face of evil and grasped the banner of jihaad.
This action indeed proved fruitful and brought great success to these groups
who propagated this idea. However, when confronted with the long-term war of
falsehood against truth, some folded under the pressure. Others became tired
and stopped the fight out of frustration. There were some of these groups who
became so frustrated, they actually began to hurt the ones that they loved and
were fighting for in the beginning. And still others returned back to secular
models, such as democracy, socalism, republicanism and others, after they had
cursed it before.
A portion of the brothers striving in jihaad, although well meaning,
have forgotten about the jihaad that exists back home. While we are certainly
glad that they are standing up for truth, the truth also has its priorities.
The priority for us now is to fight the apostates and hypocrites first, then to
deal with the unbelievers after that. But what has happened is that there is a
concentration on the unbelievers, which leads to the exclusion of the apostate
in our own house. Certainly, a burglar inside a house is more dangerous than
one outside, as Allah I cautions us,
قاتلوا الذين
يلونكم من الكفار
“And fight those near to you from the kuffar (unbelievers)”[6]
What happens next is very predictable.
Due to the vacuum that exists in the Muslim lands, the leaders fortify and
divide up their ill-gotten wealth, intermarrying into each other’s families and
vacationing together. What happens in the meantime is that the society under
their rule is unraveling and filling with more and more anarchy with each
passing moment. This is why it is so important to get these societies inflamed
with the fire of jihaad. Allah I commands us to uphold this
great principle,
فقاتل في سبيل
الله لا تكلف إلا
نفسك وحرض المؤمنين
عسى الله أن يكف
بأس الذين كفروا
“So fight in the cause of Allah. You are only responsible for
yourself, and incite the believers so that Allah may protect you from the evil
of those that are kuffar.”[7]
This is because one word of truth spoken in these countries is worth
more than many bullets shot in a non-Muslim country where jihaad is being
conducted. And one bullet fired off in our own countries is worth more than
several dead bodies in the non-Muslim lands of jihaad. This is because in these
societies, this is where we are needed most, and where the most harm is being
done. People in these lands have segments of the population apostating every
day. They need the help of God given through the medicine of Shari`a that the
Mujaahidin can provide. Only a miracle from Allah I can help these societies.
And that miracle is no less than a complete clean up of the Muslim lands by the
Muslims themselves. The medicine needed for this clean up is what Allah I proclaimed in this ayah,
و قاتلوهم حتى
لا تكون فتنة و
يكون الدين كله
“And fight them until there is no more Fitnah (Shirk,
oppression or absence of Shari`a ) and the religion in totality is for
We see that this is the methodology that the companions of the Prophet r used after his death when
people refused to pay the obligatory poor rate. The battle plans against the
Romans and the Persians were scraped and an internal purge was conducted, until
all the deviants, apostates and hypocrites were under the firm grasp of the
Islamic State. It is sad today that we are not as keen to learn about history
as the evil doers are. They use the knowledge of own history against us to stay
in power. They know our methodology and keep us ignorant of our religion. As
long as this happens, how can we worship Allah I with knowledge and receive His help? We must
return to our religion with full force, inside and out. This starts by
returning to the sword once the verses are read before it’s too late.
With all of what is happening now and with all the ayaat of the Qur’an
and sayings in the Sunna, the actions of the Sahaaba t in the struggle of truth
over falsehood, we must regroup, clean our bloody noses and go back again to Islam
with determination. Only Islam or kufr (unbelief) can survive on earth. We must
be sure that the queues of martyrs and fighters will never end until the earth
smiles with light shining from it with the laws of the Shari`a of God.
Good News to the Lost Souls
of Humanity
Now that we have entered into the year 2000, Christianity has shown
itself to be invalid and a complete hoax as it collapses under its own false prophecies
about the year 2000. We should take this time to speak to and propagate Islam
to those apostate and disillusioned Christians, so that they may become the
soldiers of God for a real cause, a real religion and a real salvation in this
life and the Hereafter. This great objective also extends to other unbelievers
in various religions and deviant Muslims as well.
This book is
not just about Muslims and non-Muslims in particular, but it is a petition to
the world. Whether you are Jewish, Christian, Muslim or otherwise, everyone
wants to live a happy life and wants the best for their loved ones. Islam
offers not only the discipline of safety but builds in those who are Muslim,
and even those who live under Islam, a discipline and respect for the order that
God has set for humanity.
What we want is
not just order for our society, but for humanity as a whole, to be freed from
its vices and reprehensible acts. This is why the believer in God, gods and
even the skeptic is invited to analyse this small work and consider his or her
options. Is it the just and balanced society to come that he or she desires or
the anarchy and unruly chaos that exists in our midst?
The Relationship Between the Shari`a, the Ruler, God and the Muslims
The laws
brought from the minds of men have brought great tragedies to the world that we
live on. This small blue planet has suffered more unrest at the hands of men
than any other creation of Allah I. The battle between the monarchies and the
constitutional states led to the First World War. The communists as well played
a part, as socialism entered on the world stage around that time. These wars of
the world brought trench warfare that left huge numbers of people dead, others
maimed and still others to return home, never to be the same again. The fierce
war between Christian based National Socialism in Germany, Fascism in Italy and
Buddhist based Fascist Japan on one side as the axis powers and the Democratic
and Socialist regimes on the other side, known as the Allies was the war of
ideologies that caused World War II.
In addition to
the warfare brought by these brutal systems, the aftermath was equally
horrific. One in thirty two Frenchmen was dead and one in sixty four Germans
was dead. The worldwide death toll ballooned up to the figure of 55,000,000
dead. And for what? The end result
still left people poor and starving, colonisation projects continued, and the
countries not participating in the war were used as a back yard for training
and death camps.
We also have
laws today that are a mix of Islam and secularism in the Muslim countries of
today. This has put confusion in the hearts of the Muslims as to what exactly
Islam really is, as it has been cloaked and overshadowed by foreign law. While
the people find in some Muslim countries that the hand gets cut for theft, they
find in the same country, banks that loan interest and scholars that sanction
it. The people then begin to wonder, ‘Is interest halaal? (lawful)’
After they pass this point, the people begin to indulge in interest. Due to the
fact that many of these people are poor, they are not able to understand that
any large loans that they take will have to be repaid, as well as the interest
with them. As they get more into debt, they become unhappy. Regimes like this
eventually arrest them and the family is made to bear the burden of whatever
ridiculous amount of interest the one in debt accrued.
As others get
into debt, they turn to drugs and intoxicants to forget about reality. As the
problems increase, so does the drug use. As the drug use increases, these
people are more likely to commit a crime to get more drugs, as they feel
emboldened by the drugs they are taking. Jail cells begin to fill up,
prostitution increases as women who are in debt and addicted to drugs work the
streets in order to make ends meet. All of these things come when man-made law
is mixed with Divine Law. Above all, the whole state goes into captivity due to
the imposition of man-made law. Our countries (the countries with a Muslim
majority like Algeria, Egypt, Pakistan, so on) are in debt for money that our
people haven’t even seen. The people become confused at the actions of the
rulers, and in following them society begins to head backward, with spiraling
rates of murders and other grisly crimes.
The rulers who
used these man-made laws will also use their crafty techniques as well. At
times, when these mixed law systems exist, there will be incidents when the law
will match the Divine Shari`a and will be in complete agreement with what Allah
I sent down. Then, there will
be the majority of other times when it will not only be opposed to the
legislation of Allah I, but antagonistic to it in
the very principle. An example of a law that coincides with Shari`a is the law that
in the American court system, the one in court is presumed innocent until the
proof is established against him. The reason why this law collides with the
Shari`a is that in this same law, we will find that the way that they use the
law to prove innocence or guilt is completely at loggerheads with the Shari`a.
In many cases, such as mass murder, rape or theft, human judgment is brought in
to decide the punishment. The grave mistake is that the judgement for these
crimes has already been spelled out years ago in the laws of Allah I.
Thus the
principle in the beginning is lop sided, bringing a sort of ‘unjust justice’ to
everyone involved with it.
The nature of
such laws is to protect the interests of the conglomerate countries and the nations
of today that behave more like corporations than sovereign territories. These
laws are the justification and sanctification to do all of the vile things that
they do. More often than not, when someone begins to beat them at their own
game, as in the case of Algeria and democratic elections, they quickly change
the rules or scrap them all together and use terror tactics. After they become
dominant again, they draw up new rules that lean towards themselves and make it
next to impossible to challenge them again. When these earthly laws are
implemented, the harm that they bring in their wake can not begin to be fully
measured and understood. There are so many consequences that result form
judging to it that we must leave the subject here, as it could become an entire
book of its own. After all of this tragedy, we find the religious man confusing
people by telling them to obey the ruler, as it is a define sanction. This
leads to disobedience to Allah I as more people obey the
rulers than Allah I.
This is why we
need to have it clearly spelled out for us the relationship between the ruler,
the Shari`a and the Muslims. After we understand the relationship between these
four, then we will be able to avoid the above-mentioned disasters.
It is
understood in the Shari`a law that the ruler and the people ruled are under contract.
The subject of this contract is the Shari`a. God is the ultimate witness
and One that gives sanctity to the regime in as much as it is spelled out under
His guidelines. God is also the link between the people, the ruler and the
Shari`a because He designed, sent it and made it the subject of oath for His
creation to be obedient. He also made
Himself and the Shari`a the link between people. He I also allows people to
appoint a ruler to govern them by the Shari`a and ordered the ruler to only
rule by His laws. In this, God allows him to punish people if they are
disobedient to Him I while the ruler is doing
his job. He I warns people not to follow
the ruler if he orders other than the Shari`a and he called disobedience to His
I law by blind following the
leader shirk (polytheism). The contract between the people and the ruler is
called bai`a (oath of allegiance).
The subject of
the bai`a is the Shari`a. These are the links that no one is to have except as
a first priority listed from what was mentioned. The links between people are a
third priority after Allah I first and the
Shari`a second.
Relating this
to our matter now, we can easily focus on that there is no legitimate bai`a for
any ruler tampering with the Shari`a as he has nullified the contract by his
own doing. In Islamic law, the people should replace him for the system of
justice to carry on. If the people refuse to do so, and the army supported him,
the whole country becomes Daar ulHarb, which is loud announcement for the
enmity to be between God and His creation due to their disobedience.
Trustworthy scholars should then pronounce him an apostate and his groups as a
group of enemies of God, but not all of them are enemies, as surely some are
only sinners.
Scholars who
fail to deliver the proper verdict also become enemies, regardless of their
knowledge or their acts of religious worship. Jihaad then becomes compulsory
for every Muslim until the state is restored with a proper ruler and the state
is brought to order.
Today’s example
is the case related directly to the above-mentioned ruling. All of the rulers
today are ruling without the divine oath of allegiance. These circumstances
first came about when the `Uthmaani Khilaafa was ruling the earth. Even though
these rulers had their shortcomings, it was not the case that they were
replacing the Shari`a and implementing other than what Allah I sent down. But as the fire
of nationalism was fueled in the hearts of the Egyptians, and then not soon
after the nation that would later call itself Saudi, these nations would
actually go out of the divinely sanctioned rule of the `Uthmaani rulers, who in
their time kept Jews from polluting Palestine with their presence, kept the
borders open to all the Muslims who hoped for immigration to Dar ulIslam,
provided people with sadaqa and zakat from the Islamic treasury and established
Islam through jihaad and conducted long battles against the Russians and the
rest of the kaafir world.
These same
disobedient and tyrannical nations would help foreign powers to overflow the
khilaafa and bring to an end 1300 years of justice to the Earth and usher in a
swift 75 years of pure barbarity that cannot even be attributed to the Tatars.
These people, not
only did they conspire against the rightful Islamic rulers, but they also took
their power by force. This force was used to overwhelm people who refused to
give their bai`a to an illegitimate government. Irrespective of how they came
to power, their rule is illegitimate, and the fatwa of Imaam Maalik رحمه
الله can prove that. In the
time of the takeover of Mansur, who took the khilaafa position with force, the
people wanted to give bai`a to an-Nafs uz-Zakiyyah رحمه
الله, the one who had the
most right to rule the Islamic state. However, the people reasoned, how could
they do this when they had already given their bai`a to Mansur. And they stated
the hadith of the Prophet r that if there are two
khalifas to kill the second one who rose up[9]. Imaam Maalik’s رحمه الله fatwa is that their bai`a to Mansur was the same as that of a
man that was forced to divorce his wife. Due to the fact that it was done under
coercion, it is thus invalid. Even though this fatwa was delivered over 1000
years ago, it can still apply today. There is no contract between our current
rulers, no matter how many elections they have and irrespective of what we say
or do. As long as Allah I has not recognised their
authority, then it is not for us to do so either, as Allah I has said,
قاتلوهم حتى
لا تكون فتنة و
يكون الدين كله
“And fight them until there is
no more Fitnah (shirk) and the religion in totality is for Allah.”[10]
The methodology
for changing our condition will be outlined in the upcoming book, The
Way to Get Shari`a.
And finally,
may Allah I help us all to strive and
establish His Shari`a here on Earth and not let this great reward slip through
our fingers. And the praise belongs to Allah I, the Lord of all creation.
(SOS) Supporters of Shari`a
praise is due to Allah I (Glorified and Exalted Be
He) and peace and blessings be upon Muhammad r, the final Messenger of Allah I.
Before SOS was chosen as a title in 1994, the members were working under
many other names in various parts of the world. Therefore, SOS has the benefit
of first hand experience in a wide variety of high-pressure situations. SOS
involvement included front line and collaboration work with the jihaadic
movements in Kashmir, Bosnia, Afghanistan and more recently, Egypt, Yemen,
Algeria as well as others.
This experience has lent to SOS being productive and striving to
provide the needed mental, spiritual and physical nourishment to the Ummah
(World Community) of the Muslims. After the jihaad against the Russians in
Afghanistan had ended and there began a witch- hunt all over the world for the
Mujaahidin that took part in it, SOS senior members felt it necessary to form a
window for the Mujaahidin to express themselves. They also wanted to make a
voice for the men of the front line, so that they could make themselves
understood to the world at large. This is precisely because they are in
principle, the real and main Supporters of Shari`a.
of SOS have worked in support of the Mujaahidin, as well as refugees in such
countries as Afghanistan, Bosnia, Kashmir, etc. This support consisted in many
forms, such as assisting the front line soldiers, Islamic education,
reconstruction projects, countering anti-Islamic propaganda in addition to
studies of the Islamic past, in order to learn from past mistakes.
the help of Allah I and the support of others,
SOS attempts to counter anti-Islamic propaganda on an international scale. This
counter offensive includes giving the accurate Islamic rulings on many
situations, places and times and distributing authentic news about the Muslim
world. This work is arduously carried out, irrespective of size, manpower or
threat of anti-Islamic forces.
Ruling by: Man-Made Law
Write your
Islamic Will (English and Arabic)
The Need of
the Shari`a
How to Get
the Shari`a
The Khawaarij
and Jihaad
Governance on Earth
Is it
Salafism or Shaikhism?
Governance on Earth
Tafsir Surat
What is
Imaan Level 1
What is
Imaan Level 2
Tafsir Surah Luqmaan
Major Sins
Enemies of
Join the
Victorious Party
Tafsir Surat ulBaqara
Why Jihaad?
Khawaarij and Jihaad
The Muslim
The Only Way
to Khilaafah
ulMaraam &
Fiqh Lessons
Dealing with Israel
Muslims in
the West
Makkah before Palestine
The Evil of
the Tongue
The Evil
Allies and the Muslims of Iraq
Questions by
Minhaaj us-Sunnah Answered
About Jihaad
in Bosnia
Afghanistan from Russia to Taliban
Explosion of
Arabia is the will of our Prophet
False Dream of Peace
Until they
Change their Condition
without Answers by Lying And Running Hilaali
Kuffar on their Holy Days
Who is the
Target: Saddam or Islam?
of Training
The role of
the Masjid in Islam
to Fiqh
About La ilaha illallah
The Way of
the Sahaabah
points about Ramadan And Fasting
Shaikh `Umar Abdur-Rahman
(All books in
English unless otherwise indicated)
The Straight Path for Young Muslims
Tafsir Surat
Be Aware of
[1] Surah Muhammad, ayah (verse) 7
[2] The minimum
that the thief can be punished for is the theft of 15 pound sterling ($1.70).
This does not include the one who is stealing for the basic human needs, such
as bread, milk, water and the like. In this case, the person is not punished
with amputation. But one not stealing for need, like the one who is stealing
furniture, stereo equipment, alcohol (which shouldn’t even exist in the Islamic
state!) and other non-essentials is to have the hand amputated. Likewise, if
someone steals less than fifteen pounds, the judgement of amputation is not to
be applied on him either.
[3] Narrated
from Sahih alBukhaari
2 Giving blunt and repetitive talks (usually accompanied
by similer style Audio and written materials) avoiding issues of the time
whilst evading any obligatary confrontations.
[5] See the book Arab and Jew, Wounded spirits in a Promised Land, by David Kipler.
Sura Tawba 123
[7] Surat un-Nisaa’, ayah 84
[8] Sura Anfal 39
[9] In this
section again, we still don’t have a right to compare the people with Mansur
and an-Nafs رحمه الله, because both of these were warring
khalifas, which is not like the situation today, where there was a war between
a khalifa and a traitor in the form of the battle between the `Uthmaaniyyah and
the traitorous rulers of Egypt and Saudi family. However, we are not interested
in giving a new leader a bai`a if these rulers open the borders for Muslims to
emigrate, implement the Shari`a and force the kuffar out of the lands of Islam.
And only in this case can we leave the oppression that they do on a personal
level between them and Allah. But for any obvious kufr, we will have to stay
firm, even if the whole Ummah gets killed for it, just as the sacrifice of the
People of the Ditch in Surat ulBuruj illustrates. Allah I
also thanked them for their sacrifice.