you think then that We had created you in jest,
and that ye would not be brought back to Us (for account)?" (Qur'an 23:115)] |
Dear Mr. ...... [To whom it may concern]* You may have received an e-mail from an emotional non-admirer of Supporters Of Shariah [SOS]. I want to clarify a matter of Freedom of Speech allowed to us by God and listed in the Constitution of America, which was expressed by the founders of America. Freedom of Speech means that one is entitled to speak freely about issues they feel most compassionate about, even if it may offend others. Because usually, those who are offended have some type of opinion themselves but hate that you say what you like. Case in point, the KKK and other white supremist groups which are littered across America, they are allowed to speak about the fact that blacks have brought their communities to shame and bring drugs, violence and other things to their neighborhoods. See the website of www.duke.org this is a prime example. SOS website had the right to speak on any issue or interpret its religion without being labeled with disciminatory titles. But America, and many white Americans or new British seem to forget that not long ago many who protested against Vietnam and were anti-American foriegn policy were labeled by such false titles, such as my father and mother who were members of the Black Panther Party. They were called communists because they equal rights, an end to police brutality and murder, discrimination in hiring, breakfast programs and free health care. Many of the same programs like Housing and Urban Development, school breakfast, and HMO's are all available because of the sacrifice and continued revolutionary demands of the groups who were labeled communists. And many Americans & British forget that it was not long ago when America tested syphillis as a part of its early bioligical weapons program, on a group of soldiers who bravely fought and gave their lives to protect America's bomber planes during WWII, and my grandfather, my grand Uncle and my mothers brother (my uncle) were a part of this US military regiment, called the Tuskegees. And these same soldiers were also used as test rats, unknowingly so that America's military could find out the distance and the effect of a nuclear explosion. Many of them died 10 years after. The first group were killed instantly. My grandfather and granduncle died in their early 50's and so did those who were unwittingly a part of this terror. To further hit home, a group of soldiers were called to fight a war in Iraq, where the US promised the people of Iraq aid and other goodies. They sent these soldiers into a war which they used and knew about its dangers, a chemical weapon which many of the soldiers to this date suffer from. My brother who is a Muslim served in that stupid war. He vowed never again, after he and many others coverted to Islam. Read the Seattle Times article www.seattletimes.com about the soldier who said many of them became Muslim after the Gulf War. And the people of Iraq still have not received aid or any help from US, but they did have their homes bombed beyond into the ground, schools shattered to dust, children wake up to nightmares, if they wake up at all (see www.casi.co.uk). To continue, America was caught red handed in a hot scandal involving Olver North and many others who were dealing drugs, which many within the Congressional Black Caucus are calling for reviews to see if those drugs were dealt to the black gangs. What is interesting is that not only are Muslims who have websites or interpret the Qu'ran called terrorists , extremists, fundamentalists, etc, while there are many white supremist groups interpteting the Bible with an extreme hate and violence, but they are hunted down and given lengthy sentences. Blacks and Hispanics are also given longer sentences for similar crimes committed by whites. I must note that I am not making this to be a black and white issue, but I am drawing your attention to the injustices of American & British politics and those behind rule making. Who sets the rules for who can say what? One former president was caught with his pants down in the oval office, and he is famous for the words: "I...DID NOT!...have sex...with that women." He didn't even have enough respect for Ms. Lewinsky to call her by her name. And America has the gaul or audacity to talk about women's rights? A former alcoholic is now running the country, and he has strong ties to big business leaders who are known for their pollution making down in Texas, alhtought the people are complaining about health problems and death in their families. This same man does not care that the America is going around cutting deals and offering bribes with your tax dollars, while the country is deepening into a serious recession and people are losing jobs. And they just keep making promises to the people, and the people just keep believing them. America and Britain is waging a war on what it calls terrorism and it has limited freedom of speech to only those who are pro-American. And any company who bows to this type of hypocrisy is aiding an abetting true terrorism. Because the terrorist is the one who is afraid of the truth and of freedom of speech. And the terrorist is the one who has no reply when it is asked for evidences and proof, it shows hypotheticals, a vdieo tape which is full of generalisations, and what it calls associations, then goes on the defensive and issues an ultimatum. Afterward spends millions of dollars to bribe governments to rally behind them when they are wrong. And this is why Taliban's only supporters were all shut down in the USA. Every single website that supported Taliban was shut down by the likes of the person you recieved your email from which was an indirect threat, and that is why he listed the Baltimore FBI in email. I have a large family in the US, who have served America during war time and continue to serve the US. So, I am not proud, nor filled with arrogance. I know what racism, prejudice and terrorism is like. I have not only lived thorugh it, but I see it everyday when I travelling throughout the ghettos of US or going abroad where America has violated its welcome. And I have seen it recently too many times in Muslim countries. As far as I am concerned, I have the right more than many Americans to support any policy that calls for the end of America's tryanny, aggression and oppression through its Foreign policies on other nations, especially in the Middle East. I have this right because my family has a history of service to America, and my family are direct descendants of Crispus Attuks, the very first soldier killed in the war of Independance. I surely hope that you reconsider your policies and make a choice to stand up for real justice and allow freedom of speech to be more than just a modern day cliche. I really hope that you don't stand our way when we say the truth, defend the constitutional rights (God given rights) of all people, including Muslims no matter what your personal feelings dictate. Don't allow your educational isntitution to be bullied by the prejudices of others. And do not allow what happen to the Japanese people, the American Indian people, the Black people, the Korean people and other people of different color, nationality, religion or culutre to happen to the Muslims. Differentiate between a war on terrorism and a war on the freedom to express opposition and justice. Differentiate between a war on terrorism and a war on a group of people because of their beliefs to have their own countries back without American presence. And differentiate between a war on terrorism and a racist war, full stop. I do not condone what happen to the innocent people in New York and no Muslim would. But I do know that many more innocent lives always get lost when other countries try to force opinion and culture on another group of people when they do not want it. My blood brother came back from serving in the Army, and he tried to talk to me about Islam. I rejected it and nearly fought one of his friends because I felt he was forcing it down my throat. So he left me. I became Muslim about two years later. The people of Afghanistan and of the Muslim world don't want democracy or interference by America & Britain in their lands. They want Americans & British to withdraw their troops, their bases, and their presence from the Middle East where there is so much conflict surrounding US foreign policy. They simply don't want American troops in their land, and neither did many Indian tribes long ago. These Indian tribes fought the Europeans and eventually were defeated. But today, we too have been defeated by their defeat. We have lost knowing another way of life. This should be simple enough. If you are not wanted in someones house and they ask you to leave, then go, right? So I hope that you will give some consideration to this advice. And I want this war to end. And if it doesn't many innocent children like the more than 500,000 children who were murderd all because America was dead set on ridding the world of Saddam Hussein. I don't even like him, but was going after him worth the lives of more than 500,000 children and another 1.5 million civilians? Did these people have to be killed? According to former Sec. of State, who was asked did she think innocent lives were worth the risk, she said, yes. Cordially and Sincerely,
A. Bilal |
We have made that which is on earth as an adoration for it (the earth) in
order that We may test them (mankind) as to which of them is better in deeds."TM.Qur'an18:7]
says: "What! When I am dead, shall I then be raised up alive?"
["Every soul shall have a taste of death: And only on the Day of Judgment shall you be paid your full recompense. Only he who is saved far from the Fire and admitted to the Garden will have attained the object (of Life): For the life of this world is but goods and chattels of deception."(TM.Quran3:185)] |