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Now A Monthly Publication


Egyptian Policies Destroy Embassies

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Continuous Agony in Algeria..

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Mubarak pulls Gaddafi’s leg;
Mubarak pulls Gaddafi’s

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Shariah struggle in Yemen

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Hamas Gears Up for Car Bomb -;

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Israel Continues its Evil Campaign ;
Israel Continues its Evil Campaign

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Pakistani people cry for Shariah

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Taliban prepare for a-;
cheerful winter

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Russian Boys for sale;
Russian Boys for sale

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In This Issue:
I s s u e N o. 03?

Issue of the Time

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Al-Jihaad Issue 0000

Final Note:
What do we want?



Bismillahir Rahmaanir Rahim

Dear Muslims:

Allah said;
"If then anyone transgresses the prohibitions against you, transgress against them
(Sura 2 v194)

Allah also said;
"And slay them wherever you catch them and turn them out from where they have
turned you out; for persecution is worse than slaughter…." (Sura 2 v 191)

Allah also said;
"And those who, when an oppressive wrong is inflicted on them, (are not
submissive, but) help and defend themselves"
(Sura 42 v 39)

Throughout History the Americans never stayed in areas which were dangerous for
them, but what they have not learned is how to avoid making areas hostile for
themselves and their evil policies will always work against them. If they don’t
correct their policies they will always be humiliated, as Muslims will never run out
of suicide bombs.

People should realise that this New World Order is a New Worse Order designed
by the Americans to contaminate the Earth with double standards and evil action.
The so-called police of the world have showed their corrupt and satanic nature.
Instead of concentrating on world affairs, the American secret service and the FBI
should have tried to prove their competence by retrieving Clinton’s underwear from
dirty whores. These events show, Clinton will class anyone who forces him to zip
his trousers up, as a terrorist. These dirty pigs should not exist in the Holy Land, let
alone protect it.

Allah said;

O you who believe, truly Mushriks (Pagans, Christians, Hindus) are unclean so let
them not approach the Sacred Mosque…
(Sura 9 v 28)

The prophet r said;

If I remain alive I will remove the Jews and Christians from the peninsula (narrated
by Bukhari)


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Egyptian Policies Destroy Embassies

While some naïve Muslims have been trying to negotiate peace talks with the
tyrannical Egyptian government, their corrupt ministers have interpreted these talks
as a sign of weakness and have increased their vicious crackdown on Muslims in
and out of Egypt. For instance their policies included the assassination of
Mohammed Salah who was an Imam in a Mosque in Yemen.

He was assassinated on the 22nd of July 1998 after he had finished leading
Maghrib salah in Hussaini Masjid in Sanah. He was murdered by a poisoned knife
and was shot in the head. Worshippers from the Mosque caught the Assassins as
they were trying to escape. Both the assassins were non-Yemeni, one was
Egyptian and the other is believed to be from a Palestinian secular organisation who
are trained in Egypt. This incident in Yemen reminded people of the time when
Sheikh Abu Tallal Al-Qasimi was kidnapped when he was on his way to Bosnia by
American marines and was handed over to the Egyptians and has not been heard
from since. This incident resulted in a bomb blast in Croatia in 1996.

Similarly, when the number of Egyptians extradited from Pakistan to Egypt reached
its peak in 1996, a suicide bomb in the Egyptian embassy brought these arrests to
an abrupt end. But, the last straw was the American – Egyptian plot in Albania
where four Egyptian AID workers were kidnapped and extradited to Egypt in July
1998. Only one of these Muslims had a death sentence that was fabricated in his
absence by a martial court. After these events, the Mujahideen decided to target
America, as they were perceived as the pushing force behind these arrests. Two
bombs were let off within five minutes of each other in Nairobi and Dar ul Salaam.
These bombs provided a stronger and clearer message that if the Americans try to
make life hard for the Mujahideen, their life will be made impossible.


Allah said;

"If then anyone transgresses the prohibitions against you, transgress against them
likewise" (Sura 2 v194)

Allah also said;

"And slay them wherever you catch them and turn them out from where they have
turned you out; for persecution is worse than slaughter…." (Sura 2 v 191)

Allah also said;

"And those who, when an oppressive wrong is inflicted on them, (are not
submissive, but) help and defend themselves" (Sura 42 v 39)

Throughout History the Americans never stayed in areas which were dangerous for
them, but what they have not learned is how to avoid making areas hostile for
themselves and their evil policies will always work against them. If they don’t
correct their policies they will always be humiliated, as Muslims will never run out
of suicide bombs.




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Continuous Agony in Algeria..

There have been several violent demonstrations against the law since the killing last
month of the Berber singer, Lounes Matoub. Islamic militants have been blamed for
his murder. Thousands took to the streets in protest at his death. More than 50,000
mourners attended his funeral and there were unprecedented scenes of public grief
while the singer was buried. They also mourned his death and distributed papers all
over Europe. But when they reached Finsbury Park, London they were warned
and humiliated, because many Algerian Muslims of the area are aware of and are
against secularism and they won’t stomach any more "Loony" singers while
innocent Muslims are killed without a single tear for them.

On the other hand the bomb campaign is continuing in Algeria. A blast is reported
to have occurred in a crowded market at Ouad Kniss in the East of Algiers and the
timing and location appears to have been calculated to inflict maximum damage.
The bomb killed 10 people and injured more than 20 others. The explosion last
month took place a day after government troops reportedly shot dead one of the
leaders of the Mujahideen in the city who are operating with an eye for an eye
policy. The government has also claimed that it has seized a large quantity of arms
from the Mujahideen. Supporters of Shariah has received unconfirmed news that
indicate that the Government Army barracks have been raided by the Mujahideen
resulting in the death of two hundred soldiers.


Due to his criticism of Jihad and the Mujahideen and the teasing of sincere Muslims
in his songs, we welcome such action against him and anyone who shares his
attitude. These kind of Anti-Islamic people should have their funerals in Pubs as
opposed to Mosques. With regard to the bombing campaign, as far as we are
aware the bombs are planted near places where the spies or government forces

We hope the Mujahideen are refraining with the best of their ability from planting
bombs near innocent people. Let us not forget that Islamic wars have to be done
within the parameters of Shariah. The second priority after establishing Shariah on
Earth is to preserve the lives of and properties of Muslims.

What is required from the Mujahideen in Algeria is to expose those that are
massacring villages. The Mujahideen should also be as merciful as possible to the
weak and vulnerable just as they are stern with the secular regime.









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Mubarak pulls Gaddafi’s leg;
Mubarak pulls Gaddafi’s leg

President Mubarak of Egypt has made a surprise visit to Libya - arriving by air
despite a UN embargo on flights to the country imposed over the Lockerbie affair.
Mr Mubarak flew in aboard the Egyptian presidential aircraft. He said he had come
to inquire about the health of the country's leader Colonel Gaddafi, who had
surgery after breaking his leg last month. Our reports from those who are close to
the Mujahideen in Libya show that he was shot in the leg as he was running for his

This crook uses women bodyguards as a deliberate insult to his people. The Libyan
brothers should not be insulted by their lesbian leader; Gaddafi. The reason he was
shot in the leg is not because the Mujahideen have a bad aim but because his head
was between his legs. We think the real reason Mubarak visited him was not to
give sympathy but because Mubarak fears he will have the same destiny very soon.

For the second time this year Libyan Brothers and their families who have gone to
make Omera from European countries have been extradited from Saudi Arabia to
the Libyan Government. Recent articles in the press also vindicate the MI6 who
were apparently plotting to assassinate Gaddafi in 1996 in co-operation with a
Libyan Islamic group. These rumours somehow always involve the Mujahideen,
which in turn puts people off the Mujahids and their Islamic Cause. We advise
people to think the best of their brothers who devote their lives to establish Islam.







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Shariah struggle in Yemen

Clashes between Muslim tribes and government forces have escalated and reports
indicate the scale of the recent violence has been exceptional. Yemeni journalists
say that 50 people, including 20 soldiers were killed and 200 were wounded in the
Ma'rib region. Reports indicate heavy guns were used in what amounted to a
ground battle. Muslims tribes have also twice attempted to blow up an oil pipeline
that carries Yemeni oil to a terminal on the coast. Reports say the pipe is damaged,
but the oil is still flowing.

Many foreign hostages have been kidnapped in attempts to lever greater resources
out of central government. The Yemeni government has recently ordered a
crackdown on people’s personal weapons due to their fears of Islamic militants.


Yemen is now becoming very hostile to non-Islamic interference. Al-hamdullillah
this is not a factional fight but an Islamic fight. Our reports come from Abul
Al-Hassan Al-Mehdar who is the Ameer of the Mujahideen in a province called

The demand of the Mujahideen is to establish Shariah and get rid of the corrupt
government, which has fully submitted to Western influence. Our magazine has
received two statements from Abul Hassan and Inshallah the third one is on its

We have also received news that a Mujahid who fought in Bosnia has killed three
missionary nuns who were tempting Muslims become Mushriks.







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Hamas Gears Up for Car Bomb;

Recent news from Palestine is that Hamas have spent four months travelling round
the region, spreading the message that the Arab-Israeli peace process is dead.

Last year, young Hamas militants carried out a series of suicide bombings in Israeli
cities. These had a devastating effect on the peace process and on Israeli public
opinion. Allah said to us Surah Taubah:29

Fight those that believe not in the last day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been
forbidden by Allah and his messenger , Nor acknowledge the religion of truth from
among the people of the book until they pay Jizya with willing submission and feel
themselves subdued.

This implies that we have to fight these Israelis till they leave Palestine, then we
follow them till they find residence until they pay Jizya. If anyone of these Arab
leaders defends or delays the war against the Israelis should have their tongues cut
off. As for the so-called Christians they should be ashamed of their double
standards and hypocrisy because as they know Jews have plotted against whom
they call is their God and the false allegation of adultery on Jesus’s mother Mary
(p.b.u.h.). Now they are struggling very hard to keep these same very people in
power and to control what they claim to be is the grave of their God






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Israel Continues its Evil Campaign;
Israel Continues its Evil Campaign

The Israeli army says it has demolished two Palestinian houses and at least three
unfinished buildings near RamAllahn the West Bank because they were put up
without official Israeli permits. Israeli soldiers were reported to have fired tear gas
and rubber bullets during a protest outside one of the houses. In Beit-El near
Ramallah more than a hundred Palestinians protested against the policy of

The Muslims should begin to have a physical reaction to order to stop these
activities. All this human injustice is occurring and not only are these kafir dogs not
condemned but are encouraged especially by the United Snakes of America.
Inshallah, justice will be done to the Israelis.

The Jews and Christians will never be satisfied with us until they have taken our
deen and these recent events show how this policy of theirs is very open. This is
one of the very reasons that the Muslims should never stop opposing the peace
treaty (this peace treaty is no peace treaty for the Muslims because it allows the
dirty Israeli Dogs to plunder and loot Palestine territory as they choose).

These pigs have also managed to dig four tunnels under the holy Dome of the Rock
Mosque and the Mosque could collapse at any time. The collapse would prove the
last straw and would provoke unprecedented levels of violence world-wide against
Jews and their supporters.



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Pakistani people cry for Shariah

A senior policeman in Pakistan defended the public flogging of a convicted
adulterer after a riot by several thousand people who thought the punishment was
too lenient. The policeman -- a commissioner in North-West Province -- said the
sentence of thirty lashes and five years in prison was appropriate. During the
flogging, spectators who thought the convicted man should have been stoned to
death threw stones at the police, who responded with a baton charge. The man had
been found guilty by a court of having a sexual relationship with his mother-in-law.

In Islam, anyone who practices incest or has intercourse with a prohibited blood
relation should be killed (narrated in hadith by Imam Ahmad and others). However
there are no Islamic courts in Pakistan.

After successful Nuclear tests the Pakistani rupee has fallen to 97 rupees per
pound! But, Al-hamdullilah many people are rediscovering their Islamic routes and
this latest financial event has even encouraged people for unity and to put their trust
in Allah



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Taliban prepare for a
cheerful winter

The Taliban has gone from strength to strength by recapturing the province of
Mazar-I-Sharif which was an Abdul Rashid Dostem stronghold. Not far from
Mazar-I-Sharif a mass grave was discovered. This grave accounts for thousands of
missing Mujahideen who were betrayed by Abdul Malek, who previously had
invited them in to Mazar-I-Sharif and then double-crossed them and slaughtered
thousands. The supreme commander of the Taliban: Mullah Mohammed Omar
Mujahid requested help to govern this area and in response 5000 Muslim students
from Madrassahs across Pakistan and Afghanistan responded and will police the
area. Neighbouring Iran is very worried after the recent events and claim that 11 of
its diplomats (i.e. spies) have been arrested after the taking of this province. The
Taliban is also continuing its assault against Bamyan and other Shia influenced
areas. Russia has also begun to accuse Pakistan of supporting the Taliban and now
the whole world holds its breath as it anticipates the Taliban’s next move. The main
concern is the Taliban’s "beyond’ border plans and the countries current crisis
along with the sanctions could suggest that the Mujahideen might have little
alternative other than to earn a living by taking booty from Anti-Shariah territories.
However, Islam encourages this policy as the Holy Prophet r said; My sustenance
has been made under the shadow of my sword (narrated by Imam Ahmed)..


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Russian Boys for sale;
Russian Boys for sale

After the recent events in Afghanistan, Russia is still influencing Ahmad Shah
Masood who is fighting against the Mujahideen. This shows that she hasn’t learnt
her lesson and Allah’s punishment to Russia is that her Economy has almost
collapsed. It is also expected that within the next two years, Russia will be fragment
further and have many pockets controlled by Muslims which will be no go areas for
the kaffirs. It wouldn’t surprise us if the Mujahideen begin to have slavery markets
in Russia.


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What Do We Want?

This publication is not aimed at separating or causing too much debate among sincere Muslims. Without news from truthful sources, the only alternative is to take from our enemies; those who enjoin falsehood and forbid truth. Insha'llah, our aim is to provide Islamic education, news and discussion to incite the believers into action. We are working toward the sincere education of Muslims, while continuing to learn and champion the way of the Prophet (SAW) and those Rightly Guided (RAA).

How can you help?

By telling others about this website and helping to distribute this information. Encourage Muslims to ask questions and participate on our discussion board. In addition, be patient with us when we are revising and preparing new content. Get the word out in your community that we are not funded by anyone other than Allah -- alhamdulillah. Thus, our opinions come from our understanding of the opinions of the Siddiqun, not from government scholars, evil rulers, and kuffar.

Finally, make continious du`aa for the Mujaahidin and the Ummah that Allah grant all of us victory and reward.


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