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Care have been taken to ensure there is no error occured during the process of designing, compiling, editing, publishing & distribution. If however you find any error or disagree with any contents you find please inform us so that we can correct and we may all benefit from it inshaAllah.

Mobile SOS & Temp. SOS in association with the MAIN SOS (Team SOS).

Our Disclaimer: We have released this CD in order for truth to prevail. We are not terrorists or supporters of terrorism, although others have been given these labels while pursuing the facts. It is our firm conviction that the US government lies as a matter of policy and that the people have every right to pursue truth at all costs, even if it means imprisonment. With the US government set to spend taxpayer money on a public relations campaign, while neglecting basic American home issues, the time for questions must be now. It is our attempt to at least find out what "the other side" is saying. We are convinced that America's foreign policy is filled with hate, hypocrisy and murder. However, we are not convinced of the so-called evidence showing proof of guilt. Our position is that from an analysis based on jurisprudence, those who have been accused of terrorism, have been unlawfully tried and convicted in the media, and denied a fair and impartial hearing. America's case against the so-called Al-Qaeda Network and Osama bin Ladin is solely based on superstitions, public opinion, association and circumstantial prejudices. It is time that the truth is told and Freedom of Speech and right to protest return to America in order that no more innocent people are killed. Finally, our hearts go out to the innocent victims of the September 11 WTC tragedy.

We pause for a return to normalcy and peace in time of unlawful war. What would Prophets Jesus and Muhaamad say if they were alive today?

Hear the sounds of protest through the eyes of Islam and ask how did this war get started? Remember the Civil Rights struggle, the bomb blasts, the bon-fires, the riots, the suffering. Terrorism is defined by the terrorists to cover the truth of oppression. This war is another example that the world community has increased in ignorance and decreased in civility.

NATO and UN have re-defined terrorism...
The terror which was unleashed on the 22 million innocent people of Iraq, has now targeted civilians in Afghanistan. This evil is not classified as terrorism, because the Afghani people are 'expendable' in a war to gain control over the vast oil and natural gas supplies in Khurasan valley.

Help put an end to the boogey man...which terrify the women and children all over the world. Get involved with these campaigns.

Stop America
Join a campaign to stop Isreal & America's destructive foreign policy. You can get involved by participating in sharing information over a discussion board, contributing articles or photos, help with internet research, distributing information, organize letter writing campaigns, and more. Visit:

Campaign Against Sanctions in Iraq. The U.S. and Britain, along with its Saudi allies are responsible for the murder of over 500,000 Iraqi children. The experiences drawn from this Gulf War could provide a strong indication of where the New War on Terrorism is headed. America and Britain's new war has already killed many civilians, mostly Muslims. This was the case with Iraq, where more than 2 million have been killed. Visit:

Demand the return to truth and proper investigation. Support efforts to end Isreal & America's foreign policies and meddling of other countries.

An Interview with John Pilger
click here .
"You ask what they (US and Britain) gain? What great powers gain in in the Middle East is a strategic hold over the world's greatest oil fields. That's it in a nutshell."

STOP THE WAR... FREE PHILISTINE.. 50 YEARS OF OPPRESSION MUST END NOW.. For the safety and security of everyone..


Web site designed and maintained by Temp. SOS Team. Br. Suhail as Suhail an-Naim Ad-Darul Islami [Darussalam] -Team Director.
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TEMP SOS. WEB GATE 111. COPYRIGHT 2002. All Right REserved DEc 2002.