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A dream is just a dream you see. But a dream of the heart means a lot to you and me. A dream that we can see.

To see our children go to school without any fear. Of the sound of a gun shot ringing through the air.

A dream of a world with out any war. With our sons and daughters at home safe and secure.

A world where homes are not broken in pain and hurt. From things of this world that have torn them apart.

A dream of a world without hunger pains. No child or homeless one Left out in a stormy rain.

A dream of a world without alcohol or drugs. And we don't read or hear someone’s been mugged.

A dream of a world that's free from sin. Where all life’s battles we can win.

A dream of a world where love surrounds. And God has every heart in His hands the world round.

A dream of peace, love, comfort, and joy. That fills the soul of every man, woman, girl and boy.

A dream where a wife or child never has to be beaten. Because someone is out of control and doesn’t know how to treat them.

A dream of a world where only love abounds. Where what our children hear and learn are only beautiful sounds.

A dream that God has for every living soul. It's what! He gave His only son for. From sea to sea on every shore life can be so much more.

A dream is just a dream you see But a dream of the heart means a lot to you and me. Because its the world we want our loved ones to see.

It's a dream that can come true. When the world finds God and His great love. We'll see a world that’s no longer cruel but filled with His love. Jesus loves you!! © Sandra Miller/BigSis/1996-2004

Painting: The Painting belongs to Josephine Wall. The paintings are © Josephine Wall and used with permission.
all rights reserved. You may not copy graphics and paintings without written permission.

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