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A little peace of nature so beautiful and serene. A place where we find love as we meet with God above.

A little peace of nature a place alone to feed our soul. A time of total tranquility without the turmoil of the city.

A little peace of nature God's gift to us for sure. We all need time to be alone to keep our heart in tune.

A little peace of nature the sound of God's creatures. A soft gentle breeze caressing nothing in life is pressing.

A little peace of nature setting by a tree in prayer. Our soul with God alone we share as His presence draws so near.

A little peace of nature under a sky of beautiful blue. God reaches His hand to me and you His Holy Spirit dwells in all we do.

A little peace of nature a time to see inside our heart. Renew our spirit, fill our soul God so near His love to impart.

A little peace of nature a place we all have been. We go there to get away talk with God and pray.

A little peace of nature wherever yours may be. Go there often draw God near fill your soul He is there. © Sandra Miller/BigSis/1996-2004
Painting: The Painting belongs to Mildred Dover. The paintings are © Mildred Dover and used with permission.
all rights reserved. You may not copy graphics and paintings without written permission.

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