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A Quiet Retreat

We all need a quiet retreat. A place just to focus and be alone. It may be a cabin in the woods. Or just a ride to be alone.

It may be a walk in the park. Or just a quiet time at dark. It may be in the mountains high. Or in the valley looking up at the sky.

A quiet retreat we all need. To help us grow in life. As God plants His seeds. A time alone with Him.

We come away stronger. And wiser in His love. He tells us why things go wrong. And puts in our heart a song.

A quiet retreat where we can pray. As Jesus listens to all we say. A time of being close to Him. And feeling better at days end.

A quiet retreat a time to grow. As our hearts to Him we show. A time for Him to speak to our soul. And then again on our way we can go.

We thank you Lord for a quiet retreat. When with you alone we can meet. No matter where we meet today. We thank you in every way.

Lord you give us time alone with you. So we can build a relationship that's true. We learn more of your love for us. As things in our life with you we discuss. © Sandra Miller/BigSis/1996-2004
Painting: The Painting belongs to Penny Parker. The paintings are © Penny Parker and used with permission.
all rights reserved. You may not copy graphics and paintings without written permission.

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