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Autumn winds begin to blow. Soon we will see the fallen snow. Then spring and summer will pass us by. Again autumn leaves will begin to fly.

The cycle of life is God's call. Many times we just stand in awe. He's gave us so many beautiful things. But none compare with the love He brings.

Much like the the seasons that come and go. The cycle of life changes our heart and soul. When we put God in charge of our life you see. All the yucky stuff He changes in you and me.

Each child of God is different this is Gods choice. But each one of our lives make Him rejoice. Gods creation is beautiful and perfect you see. Each of the seasons, His purpose for you and me.

Autumn winds begin to blow. Soon we will see the fallen snow. Then spring and summer will pass us by. Again autumn leaves will begin to fly. © Sandra Miller/BigSis/1996-2004

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