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Be content where ever God takes you. Serve Him,praise Him, His love for you is true.

Be content with the burden you carry. God is with you don't get tired and weary.

Be content when you stop to pray. Take time to listen to what God has to say.

Be content when your helping others. God's greatest wish is that we love one another.

Be content with trials, heartache and pain. God always sends the rainbow after the rain.

Be content with the gifts God gave you. Love who you are and where you've been. God picked us up from the gutter of sin.

Be content in all you do and say. It's part of God's perfect way.

Be content with family and friends. Tell them you love them. As each new day begins.

Be content when the road gets rough. God's love is enough. Defeat satan stand tough.

Be content with all you face. Have no doubts or fears. Your standing in His grace. He's drying your tears. Know how much He cares.

Be content its the only way. With the Love of God start each new day. Letting Him lead the way. Be Content!!! © Sandra Miller/BigSis/1996-2005

Painting: The Painting belongs to Penny Parker. The paintings are © Penny Parker and used with permission.
all rights reserved. You may not copy graphics and paintings without written permission.

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