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Decisions we all have to make them through out our life. Some cause us heartache others bring pain,and strife.

Decisions can bring us great joy,peace,and love. When their made with guidance from God above.

Decisions are difficult there is no doubt. Praise God as we make them on Him we can count.

Decisions taken to God in prayer. Make them much easier for us to bear. As we go to God and begin to share. The decisions we make become very clear.

Decisions have to be made it's true. But remember how much God loves you. He only wants whats best for you and me. So Decisions with Christ are easy you see.

Decisions you make touch others too. So always to your own heart be true. Take it to God see what He says to do. Trust Him completely He loves you. © Sandra Miller/BigSis/1996-2004

Painting: The Painting belongs to Tom Sierak. The paintings are © Tom Sierak and used with permission.
all rights reserved. You may not copy graphics and paintings without written permission.

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