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Every Living Thing

Every living thing came from God above. Made for us with His hands of love. The beautiful birds that sing so sweet. The sun that warms us with it's heat.

Children that bring so much joy to our heart. The frogs croaking when it gets dark. Our family and friends that we love. The peacefulness of a beautiful dove.

Every living thing was His creation. Through out the world in every nation. The sweet smell of the flowers. The beauty we see after a rain shower.

The bears the deer and even the bees. All part of His beauty for us to see. The moon the stars,all of the universe. It tells us this in the bible verse.

Genesis 1:21 God created the great sea monters. And every living thing that moves. We often don't take time to just look around. And see the beauty of each little sound.

The dogs the cats we love and adore. God's creation and there's so much more. Every living thing that we love and enjoy. Created by God to bring our hearts Joy.

The love in our heart,the smile on our face. All Gods creation part of His grace. We are all made different you see. God created us in His image you and me.

Every living thing came from God above. Made for us with His hands of love. For every living thing we've come to love, Was created for us from God above.

Every living thing has a purpose you see. And God has a purpose for you and me. God gave us life and freed us from sin. A new life cycle in Him we we begin. © Sandra Miller/BigSis/1996-2004

~Penny Parker~

Painting: The Painting belongs to Penny Parker. The paintings are © Penny Parker and used with permission.
all rights reserved. You may not copy graphics and paintings without written permission.

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