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First steps what a wonderful sight. Mom and dad with a heart full of pride. As tears of joy fill their eyes. Their little one just grins and smiles.

First steps mom and Dad reaching out. In case their little One starts to fall.

First steps learning To trust and not fear. Mom and dad will catch them. With their loving care.

First steps will be taken once again. When we ask Jesus to enter in.

First steps with Him are much like a baby takes. As we learn to trust Him a different heart to make.

First steps with Him we may stumble and fall. But He'll be their to pick us up when we call.

First steps a wonderful day. As we walk with Christ and learn to follow His Way. Close beside us He'll stay.

First steps our Heavenly Fathers pride. As tears of joy fill His eyes. The most important step we ever took. Walking with Him living by His Holy book. © Sandra Miller/BigSis/1996-2004

Painting: The Painting belongs to Tom Sierak. The paintings are © Tom Sierak and used with permission.
all rights reserved. You may not copy graphics and paintings without written permission.

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