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In the valley below with no place to go. We fall on our knees in prayer. To a God who is always there.

Many lessons are learned in the valley below. As God draws near His unconditional love to show.

None of us like the valley below. But often times it's where God wants us to go.

In the valley below we can see the mountaintop. God helps us begin our climb and encourages us not to stop.

In the valley below we begin to grow. God dwells there with us His love we know.

Theres no place better than the valley to be. It's then God can really talk with you and me.

Valleys will come there is no doubt. But theres no place to go but up. So take God with you as you climb to the mountaintop.

Always be thankful that in the valley you stopped. For it's there God Strengthen you to reach the next mountaintop. © Sandra Miller/BigSis/1996-2004

all rights reserved. You may not copy graphics and paintings without written permission.

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