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Joy comes in the morning,at the breaking of dawn. Yesterdays gone,and a brand new day has begun. The Lord kept you safe throughout the night. And woke you to the sunshine so bright.

Begin each morning on your knees in prayer. Reading His word drawing Him near. Tell Him to lead you and guide you today. Let Him mold you, mend you,use you some way

Let yesterday go leave it in the past. Don't worry about tomorrow it is'nt here yet. But take today and glorify God in all you do. And I guarantee blessing will come to you.

As you come to the close of another day. Praise God and thank Him for leading the way. Ask Him to forgive you your sins of the day, For the times you stumbled,and fell today.

Joy comes in the morning,after resting in God's arms. As He watches us sleep keeping us from harm. So thank God today as a new day breaks through. Tell Him how much His love means to you. © Sandra Miller/BigSis/1996-2004

Painting: The Painting belongs to Brenda Hoddinott. The paintings are © Brenda Hoddinott and used with permission.
all rights reserved. You may not copy graphics and paintings without written permission.

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