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Just before dark a time of pleasure. So many beautiful things to treasure.

The sun setting as dusk draws near. Red streaks painting a sky so rear.

A time when God seems so near. His presence with us to share.

Another day has come and gone. Tomorrow we will face a new dawn.

God loves us so much we will never know. In every sunset and sunrise His love shows.

We grow in Him with each passing hour. Blessings in abundance on us He showers.

New friends we meet along the way. Close beside us He always stays.

Just before dark take time to pray. God will guide you all the way.

Just before dark the end of a day. Listen to what God has to say.

Rest in His great arms of love. Your spirit renew in His grace from above. © Sandra Miller/BigSis/1996-2004

Painting: The Painting belongs to Penny Parker. The paintings are © Penny Parker and used with permission.
all rights reserved. You may not copy graphics and paintings without written permission.

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