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He hears the little prayers we pray. Listens to every word we say. Little prayers are important too. Little things in the heart of me and you.

He hears the prayer of a little child. Speaking to Him in words so mild. He hears the prayer of a teen crying out. Who wants to turn their life about.

He hears the one who is ill. He heals them in His will. He hears the one whos heart is broken. And the words that go unspoken.

He hears the sinner as they plea. Come into to my heart forgive me. He hears the homeless in the night. Praying God keep me safe in your sight.

He hears the one whos loved one died. He drys the tears that they cried. He hears the drunk in a world of sin. He says follow me you can win.

He hears the one of a broken home. He will never leave them alone. He hears the elderly as they pray. Lord I'm ready take me home to stay.

It does not matter who we are. God hears us pray from afar. Answered prayer what a gift. God's gift to us is perfect.

He hears the little prayers we pray. Listens to every word we say. Answers them all big or small. He is there when ever we call. © Sandra Miller/BigSis/1996-2004

all rights reserved. You may not copy graphics and paintings without written permission.

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