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The little things in life you see. Seem to always be the things that are free.

A little child making sand castles on the shore. Famliy and friends they make life mean so much more.

Little is lot without a doubt. They are the things in life that count. The look on the face of a little boy. A little fish has brought him joy.

A hug thats given to make your day. A friend who calls to just say hey. A prayer thats whispered just for you. The friend who's there and always true.

The love of Jesus the life He gave. So you and me from sin could be saved. The sun that rises and sets each day. A new day we start God leading the way.

The smile on a childs little face. Walking and celebrating God's grace. A rainbow that follows the rain. The comfort that comes after pain.

The love of family and friends. A broken heart that begins to mend. Someone willing to listen and talk. To help us through the path we walk.

Little is lot without a doubt Because we know on God we count. The things all free for us to give That is the way God wants us to live.

Little things are the greatest gift. The things that give the heart a lift. The things that are free for the giving. Little things that make life worth living, © Sandra Miller/BigSis/1996-2004

Painting belongs to Sandra Kuck all rights reserved. You may not copy graphics and paintings without written permission.

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