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Look Up

Look up your redemption draweth nigh. Fall on your knees eyes to the sky.

Talk to the Father with open heart. It's not to late to make a new start.

Look up to the Master of the sea. Lord of lords,King of Kings,He is to me.

He's Majesty,Father, and Friend you see. He is everything we will ever need.

Look up to a God of love,comfort,and joy. He's a God of all thats good in me.

A God of forgivness, can't you see. He's waiting to do for you all He's done for me.

Look up to God as He silences your sound. He is a gift you will be glad you found.

He will change your life from this moment on. A walk with Him for eternity and beyond.

Look up see life as you've never seen it before. I can hear Him,He's knocking at your hearts door.

He will never give up on you no doubt. Thats what His everlasting love is all about.

Look up your redemption draweth nigh. We will stand before Him the one on high.

Many are chosen but few will come. Come dear child, be His chosen one.

© Sandra Miller/BigSis/1996-2004

Painting: The Painting belongs to Sharon Griffin. The paintings are © Sharon Griffin and used with permission. all rights reserved. You may not copy graphics and paintings without written permission.

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