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Graphics By Penny Parker



Natures grace so quiet and serene. Often so beautiful we think it's a dream.

The sounds and presence of a gentle wind. Make us draw so much closer to Him.


Natures grace a gift of peacefullness. There's no place closer to God than this. Rabbit

We see His love every where we look. And draw nigh to Him by a quiet brook.


Nature's grace so pretty and sweet. Often in nature God we meet. All His creation ours to behold. With each new day that unfolds.

Nature's grace all ours to take in. Go there with God your spirit to feed. Rabbit

Sometimes renewal is just what we need. Nature's grace a gift from God indeed.

© Sandra Miller/BigSis/1996-2004

Painting: The Painting belongs to Penny Parker. The paintings are © Penny Parker and used with permission.
all rights reserved. You may not copy graphics and paintings without written permission.

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