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There are new arrivals coming everyday. Standing humbly at heavens gateway. Angels are waiting to take their hand. And help them enter the promised land.

The young and the old,God calls them home. No more on earth will they have to roam. With each new arrival heavens bells ring. For another dear child has come home to the king

It's always hard to understand why. God took our loved one and made us cry. But only God knows what the future will be. When He takes His child home for eternity.

It's ok to be broken,cry and be sad. But we know in heaven they're rejoicing and glad. Each time one of God's children come home. The angels celebrate and rejoice you know.

We are only here for a little while. Then God calls come home My child. He loans us all the ones we love. But there final destiny is Heaven above.

Each time we hear heavens bells ring. We know another child has gone to be with the King. And when our time on earth is done. We too will go to be with Him as one.

They were only loaned to us you see. To love and cherish you and me. A special gift from God above. Now He has taken them home to love. © Sandra Miller/BigSis/1996-2004

Painting: The Painting belongs to Corey Wolfe. The paintings are © Corey Wolfe and used with permission.
all rights reserved. You may not copy graphics and paintings without written permission.

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