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No child will go hungry. Not on my watch. No tears will go undryed. Not on my watch.

No prayer will go unspoken. Not on my watch. No heart will be broken. Not on my watch.

No soul will go unsaved. Not on my watch. No child will go unhugged. Not on my watch.

No home will be broken. Not on my watch. No brother or sister will go unheard. Not on my watch.

No life will be taken. Not on my watch. No pain will go unmended. Not on my watch.

I'm God's Warrior. I'm On my watch. I'll feed the hungry child. On my watch.

I'll dry every tear thats cryed. On my watch. I'll pray every prayer. On my watch.

I'll mend the brokenhearted. On my watch. I'll hug Gods children. On my watch.

I'll mend the broken home. On my watch. I'll listen to my brothers and sisters. On my watch.

I'll help the one who wants to take their life. On my watch. I'll comfort, encourage those in pain. On my watch.

Thanks God for giving a warriors heart. To each warrior. On their watch. © Sandra Miller/BigSis/1996-2004

Painting: The Painting belongs to Penny Parker. The paintings are © Penny Parker and used with permission.
all rights reserved. You may not copy graphics and paintings without written permission.

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