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Out of the darkness into the light. We run and run with all our might. Away from a world full of hurt and pain. Into the arms of God,His love sustains

I believe in peace,joy,comfort,and love. I believe they are found in God above. I believe God sent His son for everyone. I believe He is waiting for each of us to come.

Faith can move mighty mountains I know. Faith lets God's love through us show. Faith is God and His ever present love. Faith is believing in God above.

Hope for a future without any sin. Hope is found in each battle we win. Hope is seen in a little childs eyes. Hope is in every tear drop we cry.

Love is the greatest gift of all. Love is knowing God is there when we call. Love is a gift that must be given away. Love is Gods Son hanging on the cross that day.

Miracles happen,we know its true. Miracles happen to me and you. Miracles happen from God above. Miracles happen because of His love.

Out of the darkness if we only believe. Come hope,faith,joy,and the gift of love. We are blessed with miracles from above. Oh how great is His love. © Sandra Miller/BigSis/1996-2004

Painting: The Painting belongs to Brenda Hoddinott. The paintings are © Brenda Hoddinott and used with permission.
all rights reserved. You may not copy graphics and paintings without written permission.

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