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Penny Parker

I dedicate this site to the artists. To all the wonderful people who put the time and love into making all these wonderful graphics. May this site be a thanks to each of you.May it bring glory to God and be used for His glory. This poem is dedicated to each of you, Thanks!!! © Sandra Miller/BigSis/1996-2004

The art of love is'nt found in a palette of color. Or the stroke of a brush so mild. It's found in the heart of God's child.

The art of love such a rare and special gift. The artist paints the picture to encourage and uplift.

The art of love a gift God put in the artist hand. May the beauty of each stroke heal the hate,hurt and pain throughout our land.

The art of love is found in the heart where Jesus dwells. He takes away the blackness of sin and washes it white as snow. His love in us begins to show.

He draws a heart that's loving and willing to give. And colors it with a rainbow of colors a new life we live.

Others see the artists picture the work at hand. God sees a heart healed from a artist willing to let God guide the brush in their hand.

The picture to us becomes very clear. As God colors us with His love and gives us a heart that cares.

He colors our life with colors so bright. And He turns our darkness into light.

Make God the artist in your life today. Give Him the Brush let Him paint the way.

Let Him heal our land and draw on the hearts of every man. The beauty that's only found in the artist hand.

The art of love when placed in the artist hand. Can yeild many blessings because the artist is lead by the Masters Hand. © Sandra Miller/BigSis/1996-2004

Artwork: Small Painter by: Auguste Renoir
Please enjoy the pages. Send them to a friend. God bless.
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Little One What Is A Warrior
The Beauty Within Not On My Watch
Natures Grace Just Before Dark
Every Living Thing Be Content
~A Quiet Retreat~ ~A Cabin In The Woods~
Storms Of Life Resting In His Love
Live An Learn My Special Friend
~My Heart Aches For You~ ~God's Beauty Is Everywhere~
Will We Speak His Name Guess What?
May your Joy Bubble Over A Gardens Whisper
Peace In A Time Of Chaos Together
To Be Free Home For Christmas
coming soon coming soon

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Big Sis Place Lsis Place
Lsis Place 2 The Artist Corner
Kids For Jesus Kids For Jesus 2
The Girls place Graphic Links
Christian webrings Coming Soon

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