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Satan We're Still Standing Here In Your Face.

Satan we're still standing here in your face. God has us covered in His,love and grace. You've come at us with all your might. But we kept the Lord in our sight.

Satan we're still standing here in your face. You've caused heartache, hurt,dispear and pain. But the havoc you caused has all been in vain. For we've only learned, that our God reigns.

Satan we're still standing here in your face. We've seen you entice, deceive and lie. But our trust is in God on Him we rely. You'll never win no matter how hard you try.

Satan we're still standing here in your face We've seen what your drugs and alcohol do. How they make people mean and cruel. But we know God's love and Word is true.

Satan we're still standing here in your face. And we're not leaving tell you hit the ground. Each time you get up we're going to knock you down. Come on Satan bring it on. We're not going to turn and run.

Satan we're still standing here in your face. You better be ready for the fight of your life. For we've learned life's lessons in our strife. We're going forward in battle with God's grace.

Satan we're still standing here in your face. We're ready for battle so come bring it on. We're standing right here until the battles won. Until God takes us home and our work is done.

Satan we're still standing here in your face. Thanking God for giving us His grace. To defeat you at every turn along our way. And giving us strength to fight another day. Satan we're still standing here in your face. Thank You Jesus!!! © Sandra Miller/BigSis/1996-2004

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