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Soon this world will come to a end. There will be no more broken hearts to mend. Our name will be called from the book of life. There will be no more sorrow,pain,or strife.

Soon God will call His children home. No more on this earth will we roam. There will be no more sickness or suffering found. Bodies will be made whole,only love will abound.

Soon we will see the masters face. Stand before Him in His Glory and grace. No more sorrow or pain will ever be known. All of God's children have come home.

Soon we'll stand together at heavens gate. Not another second will we have to wait. Angels will be waiting to take our hand. Lead us to the promised land

Soon He will say my child well done. We will be in heaven because of His son. Together we will sing and shout the victory. What a day that will be for you and me.

Soon the things of this world will all pass away. And we will stand before God on judgement day. One more time before I go home I want to say. Come to Him today don't let time slip away.

Soon is only one single breath away. It's not to late,except Him today. When we all meet at heavens gate. I hope and pray for you it was't to late

Soon we'll be walking streets of pure gold. His glory and love we will behold. A day of hugs and many reunions. Meeting in heaven with all of our loved ones. © Sandra Miller/BigSis/1996-2004

Painting: The Painting belongs to Corey Wolfe. The paintings are © Corey Wolfe and used with permission. all rights reserved. You may not copy graphics and paintings without written permission.

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