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Surviving the storm together. When God joins hearts together . Race,age or sex,does'nt matter. We will survive the storm together.

Surviving the storm together. Depending on each other. We share our sunshine and the rain. All lifes heartaches and the pain.

Surviving the storm together. Holding on to each other. We hold each other up in prayer. Always beside each other showing we care.

Surviving the storm together. Crying and laughing with each other Drinking a coffee as we talk. Helping each other with our daily walk.

Surviving the storm together. Sharing the good and the bad with each other. Always uplifting and encourageing each other. Facing it all walking through the storm together.

Surviving the storm together. In love we hold up each other. We grow as we walk with God together. Thats why He brought us to one another.

Surviving the storms together Thanking God for joining our hearts together. And making our life better. As we survive the storms together. © Sandra Miller/BigSis/1996-2004

all rights reserved. You may not copy graphics and paintings without written permission.

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