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The duet two have always been better than one. Everybody needs to have that special someone.

God made Adam then Eve made two. Noah took the animals two by two.

God made friends like me and you. Together we make the number two.

Mothers and Fathers two again. A morning and night to follow days end.

Two have always been better than one Together you can have so much fun.

Someone to talk with, laugh and cry. Someone to be there each tear to dry.

Someone to take To God in prayer Someone whos there to just show they care.

God in our heart and Jesus His son. That none shall perish not even one.

Two are always better over coffee. God did'nt want us to be alone you see.

So He brought us together you and me. It's part of His plan He meant it to be.

So always remember your never alone God gave His Son our sin to atone.

He walks by our side every day Duets with Him by our side to stay. © Sandra Miller/ BigSis/1996-2004

Painting: The Painting belongs to Tom Sierak. The paintings are © Tom Sierak and used with permission. all rights reserved. You may not copy graphics and paintings without written permission.

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