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The pounding of my heart so clear. God my father drawing near. Day has passed night is fallen. The room is quiet God is calling.

I lay here in my comfortable bed. I see the crown of thorns they placed on His head. I see the image of that heavy cross. Jesus carrying it regardless the cost.

I feel the pain as they drove in each nail. The agony He endured to do His fathers will. He paid the price without any fear. He knew how much His father cared.

He arose again to be with Him. How startled that crowd must have been. When the rock rolled away to a empty grave. How they must have ranted and raved.

God gave to us His only Son. Free from sin we can become. A love so great words can't explain. God truly endured a Fathers pain.

The pounding of my heart so clear. God my Father drawing near. Peace and quiet surrounds my soul I hear God calling Come lets go. © Sandra Miller/BigSis/1996-2004

Painting: The Painting belongs to Crosstides. The paintings are © Crosstides and used with permission. all rights reserved. You may not copy graphics and paintings without written permission.

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