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From the beginning, there was you and I. So lets join together don't be shy.

Not as soul mates lovers or friends. But brothers and Sisters because of Him.

Are numbers may be few but mighty are we. For we know why Jesus hung on the cross you see.

Together for others we wll pray. Working together to show them the righteous way. Letting them see God in all we do and say

God joined us together. We'll help one another. Encourage and uplift, just be there for each other.

We'll go through the good times along with the bad. We'll share the heartache, and pain when we are sad.

We'll rejoice in the joy of His love. And share His grace from up above.

We'll share His word with those who can't see. How much He loves them. How much He means to you and me.

We'll fight on with a warriors might. Until death calls our name and we cross into His light.

From the beginning there was you and I.When I go home don't you cry.I'll see you soon in the sweet by and by. © Sandra Miller/BigSis/1996-2004

Painting: The Painting belongs to Penny Parker. The paintings are © Penny Parker and used with permission. all rights reserved. You may not copy graphics and paintings without written permission.

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