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Under the shadow of the cross is where we should always be. But many times God has to use that two by four on me.

He has to remind me that it was on that cross He bled and died for me. I often lose sight of where He wants me to be.

The world gets crazy and we lose our sight. We often forget it's not our battle to fight.

God waits so paiently as we do our own thing. Then we wake up and realize with out Him we can do nothing.

God always waits right by our side. Even when from Him we try to hide. His love is like none we have ever known. He never walks away and leaves us alone.

If only we could see that His will is always best. Maybe we would'nt be always putting His love to the test.

If we could just leave it all at the foot of the cross each day. Walk away from it and not pick it up and do it our way.

Under the shadow of the cross is where we should always be. Following Him in every way letting others see His love in you and me. © Sandra Miller/ BigSis/1996-2004

Painting: The Painting belongs to Mildred Dover. The paintings are © Mildred Dover and used with permission. all rights reserved. You may not copy graphics and paintings without written permission.

Frames by © Frames by © John Mason All rights reserved. You may not copy the frames without his written permission

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