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Walk With Me

Walk with me,just take my hand. We can share the beauty of Gods great land. Walk beside me and be my friend. Together a new friendship we will begin.

Let's share the beauty that surrounds us. Pray together and talk about Jesus. Friends are a special gift you see. Especially Friends in Christ like you and me

What God joins together no man can destroy. Together we walk side by side sharing our joy. Watching a sunset on a cool summer night. Keeping God our Father always in our sight.

Growing together making each other strong. Holding each other when all has gone wrong. Learning,and living with each passing day. Sharing and praying God leading the way.

So many beautiful things God gave us to share. So walk beside me my friend if you dare. We can go to places never before seen. Let God teach us on Him to lean.

I can pray for you when times are tough. And you for me when the road gets rough. I'll be there with you when you cry. And dry the tears from your eyes.

We can share the joy,peace,and love. That God poured on us from up above. Walk with me just take my hand. we can share the beauty of Gods great land. © Sandra Miller/BigSis/1996-2004

Painting: The Painting belongs to Mary Baxter St. Clair. The paintings are © Mary Baxter St. Clair and used with permission. all rights reserved.You may not copy graphics and paintings without written permission.

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