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Welcome to our world stop look around. So much hatred,hurt, and sin abound.

I wonder how we can turn it around. Make it a place where only love abounds.

There are children with no place to lay their head tonight. Homes totally destroyed because alcohol or drugs caused a fight.

Children being shot as they go to school. No one remembers the golden rule.

Homeless and hungry walking our streets. Children and wives who are being beat.

Welcome to our world turn to God in prayer. Ask Him to give us back a world where people care.

Time for christians to stand up and be accounted for. So our children and grandchildren can have more.

We have to love our neighbor and be able to give. Ask God to come in our sins to forgive.

Welcome to our world it is not the one God planned. But the one that has been made by mankind.

Only God can change our world and heart. Don't you think it's time we let Him start.

© Sandra Miller/BigSis/1996-2004

The paintings are used with permission.
all rights reserved. You may not copy graphics and paintings without written permission.

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