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Where everything is perfect. Nothing in our life is out of place. We're not even in heaven yet. we've just defeated satan,won another race.

Nothings perfect here on earth. Sin has been with us since our birth. But when we reach heavens gate. Perfection we'll see,I can't wait.

Bodies will be made whole again. Eternity with God will begin. We ran the race,the battles won. Our work here has been done.

We'll see the faces of our loved ones and friends. Life here on earth has fianally come to it's end. There is no more hurt,sorrow or pain. There's only sunshine no more rain.

The things of this world will all pass away. Life will fianally be perfect in every way. No more tears will have to be dried. No more heartaches to make us cry.

No more children tatterd and bruised. Because of sin in the world or drugs and booze. No more sickness ,blindness or lame For in the blink of a eye our Lord came.

We are walking beside a quiet stream. Swinging on the stars,counting moonbeams. There's a smile on every single face. Everyone's walking in God's grace.

Streets paved with Gold,Mansions to live in. Gardens of beauty,around every bend. Our final resting place,everything is perfect. It won't be long, but we're not there yet. © Sandra Miller/BigSis/1996-2004

Painting: The Painting belongs to James C.Behlen Jr. The paintings are © James C.Behlen Jr and used with permission. all rights reserved.You may not copy graphics and paintings without written permission.

©James C.Behlen,Jr

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