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There are over 500,000 homeless street kids in Brazil like this boy.  They are considered a nuisance by most people, and live in a desperate, violent world of hunger, prostitution and drugs.

Several years ago, Brazil's equivalent of Time Magazine published an expose on the street kid problem, and the government, embarrassed by the publicity, decided to take action.  Their solution: Police officers were sent out to shoot them.

"The Song "Earth Shall  Be Fair" arose from being involved in a fund raising appeal (during 1992-3) on behalf of the U.K. Charity 'Christian Aid' within the Presbyterian Church of Wales that focused on Brazil. I wanted to do something that would help raise awareness and cash at the same time." As well as funds coming in from tape sales, some royalties came in after it was used as part of a Welsh TV documentary on the plight of Street Children. (This also involved singing the song in Welsh…. A big challenge for a monoglot Englishman).

Links to Sites with information Children

Novartis Foundation

Yuppie family from Chicago visits Sau Paulo

Brazilian Police on Trial for murder

A version of the song
features somewhere amongst the music at Adrian's MP3 site.

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