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Like everything else about the 'Jester' album the big consideration was "budget". Getting a two colour sleeve was a whole lot cheaper than anything else, so the original idea was to have a black and white photo for the cover and something similar on the back.

Harold Jackson was a photographer who worked at the University Plant Breeding Station and became involved with the youth group that met at Adrian's house on Sunday nights when they produced a soundstrip, on the story of the Prodigal Son,  that was shown around  local churches.

The idea was of a humorous character standing in awe of creation - hence the top-hatted Adrian standing on the sea shore. It proved to more bleak than humor laden, but so it goes! Maybe if we could do it all over again……..

More succesful was the rear sleeve photograph, taken by Yvonne, of Bala Lake (Wales), midday on New Years Eve. The shafts of light breaking through the gloom, were intended to illustrate God's light breaking in on us. The picture had an added significance as it was on a youth retreat at Bala college that Adrian first took seriously the call to follow Jesus.

This was the photo which eventually was used on the sleeve. Steve Smith (Graphic Designer) superimposed it onto an angry cloud and then did some other effect on it, to give it that grainy look.

The Prattmusic logo was designed by Yvonne's friend, Hilary and was intended to be used on future productions which never materialised!

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